Friday, April 15, 2016

The Life Changer That You Need to Know Now!

By Shawn Doyle

As a motivational speaker, I believe that one of the most powerful motivational tools is having a purpose for what you do. "O.K." you are thinking about now- "no need to read this article any further I already know my purpose"...Stop! Your getting up and going to work each day is not your purpose. Sorry. Some people think that way and its kind of understandable. It is a detrimental thought process shaped by sociatal norms. I passionately believe this kind of thinking often leads to low morale and a low level of motivation. So let me state again getting up and going to work is not the purpose, it is simply a reason.

Why do you do what you do? What is your true purpose? I define purpose very simply- it is the reason you are on the big blue ball called earth.

So how the heck do you find your purpose anyway? Its actually easy as pie. 1) Go to a temple somewhere in the world 2) Enter the temple 3) Ask for the wise man in the robes 4) Ask " So what is my purpose master?" 5) Wait for it 6) Leave this place right away and apply it . O.K. I am just joking- its not that easy. There are a lot of twists and turns on your journey to finding your purpose. Now the bad news- its going to require some work and effort and study. After all you are trying to determine your lifes work. There are people that discover it by stumbling over it. I find that most folks though just have to work at it. Let me give you some techniques for fiinding it:

One sheet exercise- Take out a blank piece of paper. On that piece of paper, write down a list of all the things you are really good at and have been good at all your life. (This is not the time to be modest) You either know or have been told what you are good at all of your life. Once you have filled the page with talents or gifts, take a look at the page. Does anything stand out to you? Any common things? Lets say your list is filled with things like writing, art, brainstorming, or painting. Maybe the central theme around the page is creativity and your purpose is to create as your contribution to the world.

Get Real Carve out some free time and go away to a quiet place. Take a pen and pad, and get ready to write. Take the time to ask your self the following questions: 1) Someday when I am old and gray, what do I want to have accomplished? Why are those things important? What contribution would they have made? 2) What are two or three things that you will regret if you do not do them in your lifetime? What do you think would stand in your way if you dont get them done? Why? 3) Why were you born? Do you think you have specific gifts or talents you were meant to use? Why? Are you using them? If not why not? 4) Fill in the blank; I was meant to ______________________. Why do you think that? 5) What is very important to you? Why? After you have gone through these series of questions some patterns might emerge and you may be closer to uncovering your true purpose.

Ten With No Spin Now you are going to go to your panel of 10 advisors. Your objective is to do a little Q...A with each of them. This exercise also takes a little confidence. Ask each person "what do you think my strengths are? Ask Uncle Benny, your Mom, and close buddy. Ask your personal trainer and a co worker. I am sure your curiosity is wondering "Why?. Well it is actually interesting what other people may see in you that you dont. They may provide a whole new perspective. Now as the answers come in you have to sort and edit and decide which to listen to and which not. One caveat- dont have negative people do the survey. This information can be a wonderful tool to help discover your purpose. - 30535

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