Monday, May 16, 2016

Develop Telepathy A Beginners Guide

By George J Dexon

Telepathy is the direct transfer of thoughts, emotions, or feelings from one person to another person using only the power of the mind.

Telepathy is an ability which every one of us innately possesses. However, this is also an ability which is not commonly practiced, so most people are unable to consciously use or control it. From time to time, all of us have moments where our natural telepathy comes into play. However, what if you could use this incredible communication ability consciously?

There is plenty of skepticism about telepathy, just as there is about any other less commonly used natural mental ability which humans possess. Think about a time when you have used telepathy; for example, I bet youve been in a great mood when you run into a friend who is feeling down. Even after speaking to him or her for just a minute, you start feeling these sad, depressive emotions yourself.

Was it what they said? Not at all, at least not with their words. It is telepathy which has allowed you to feel what your friend is feeling.

Scientific studies have shown that by accessing the sub-conscious centre of your mind and learning to focus your thoughts and feelings toward a specific person, it is possible to re-awaken the dormant telepathic abilities.

As with any other form of communication, we are taught as children by our elders. Our parents teach us speech and body language, so that we mimic the same language and even the same accents. This is because we all have the same ability to learn to communicate, but we only communicate in the ways in which we were taught.

What if our parents never taught us to use that other ability, the one where we can communicate with our minds? Does that mean we cant do it? No. It simply means we were never taught how.

Lets look at some ways you might use to awaken your own latent telepathy.

Mental-Muscle training

In much the same way as young children need to learn to strengthen their voice boxes and learn to control how their mouth moves as they learn to make words, youll need to learn to strengthen and control your telepathic muscles.

It is easiest to access the part of your brain which controls telepathic function when you are in a trance state. You can reach this state of deep relaxation by using relaxation techniques including meditation.

You have to practice until it is easy for you to reach this state. Once you have managed to do this, you have started training your mind to use telepathy.


This can be difficult for many, it takes some practice to be able to stay focused while in a trance state. Practice by focusing on someone youd like to communicate with the next time you are practicing your relaxation techniques.

Visualize this person, trying to project positive thoughts towards them. Next, visualize them receiving these thoughts. Keep focused on this until you feel that the person youre thinking of has had time to receive these thoughts.

Then, break off the focus. You need to break the telepathic link so that they can feel this communication being cut off and start trying to contact you with their mind.

You should begin practicing like this individually so that when you start training with a partner you will have already laid the necessary groundwork to send and receive these mental transmissions.

Partner Practice

One of you should be the sender, the other the receiver. Start by sending simple thoughts, such as bright colors which will be readily recognized.

The receiver should be prepared with pad and pen to record any and all impressions and thoughts that come to mind.

After ending the session, the sender and receiver should compare their results and see how successful the session has been. Dont worry if its difficult as first. Like any other skill, it will become easier with practice. - 30535

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