But is revenge the best way to go about doing things? Sure you might have information about her like pictures, texts or emails that you could share with friends and youd probably create a small amount of scandal around her by doing this. The reality is though that whatever scandal you create today will be replaced by somebody elses scandal or news tomorrow and after all the laughter has died down thats when you start to feel bad for what you just did, said or showed people in relation to your ex. People will also get very bored, very quickly of having to listen to the same jokes or stories about your ex every time they meet you. Do yourself a favor and dont do the broken record routine because eventually your friends will stop listening.
Wanting revenge is a very normal reaction to have when somebody hurts you but its also such a powerful feeling that it can emotionally hijack you and at that point you stop thinking like a normal, rational human being and you start using your animal instincts instead. This is the dangerous point when you could very easily do or say something youll regret for the rest of your life, either from a personal or legal point of view.
Revenge can take many forms too by the way it can include aggressive phone calls, dating/sleeping with one of her friends, confronting your ex with her new boyfriend, sharing intimate details of your relationship through Twitter or Facebook or a whole host of other things. The digital age has presented us with the ability to share information with people at the speed of thought but its also good to remember that once you share something online its out there forever you cant ever take it back.
So when you reach the point that you think revenge is your best or only option the best thing to do is absolutely nothing for 24-hours. Put your cell phone away, turn off your computer and go see a movie. Remove any way for you to contact your ex or spread information about her for at least one entire day. What youll normally find is even though you might have been furious on a Monday afternoon that by Tuesday evening a lot of that anger has faded.
This might sound like the ultimate cliché but forgiveness is the key to you getting on with your life. Believe me it sucks to forgive people who have hurt you but theres a lot of healing in forgiveness and youll look like a much better person for doing it. In fact youll probably notice that other women really admire your mature approach to the situation. Mature and reasonable men who dont go insane over their ex girlfriends can be very attractive to prospective new girlfriends.
So instead of spending hours or days figuring out how to get revenge on your ex girlfriend invest that time in improving yourself as a man and as a person in general youll come out looking better at the end of it either way.
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