Wednesday, April 20, 2016

How To Apologize To Your Ex Girlfriend

So you made a mistake and now your girlfriend is walking out the door. Maybe you didn’t realize you loved her and you cheated. Maybe you ignored her and didn’t make her feel wanted in the the relationship. What do you do?

You may be able to salvage the relationship with a sincere apology. The key is you have to start the path to winning your ex-girlfriend back. Usually, it begins with the apology.

The first thing you’ll want to do is put yourself in your gilfriends shoes. In other words, put yourself in her frame of mind. Some situations are easy. I cheated therefore she is mad. Other situations require you to really listen to her and to listen to why your ex-girlfriend is upset.

These are the keys to mounting a successful apology:

1 – Do not get defensive. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you feel you did nothing wrong or it’s not as bad as she says it is. This is about her. If it upset her, then she deserves an apology.

2 – You have to convince her that you totally understand her point of view.

3 – You’re committed to changing your behavior. For example, if you cheated, you’ve analyzed why you cheated. If you’re ever put in that position again, you are committed to avoiding it.

4 – Depending on how badly you hurt your ex-girlfriend, you may need to come up with a plan. For example, if you yelled at her because you couldn’t control your anger, you have a plan to see an anger management professional to help you talk it through. You have to be sincere here or she’ll never forgive you.

When you talk to her, make sure you aren’t pushy or beg her to take you back. The key is sounding sincere. You have to tell your ex-girlfriend that you understand how badly she was hurt and you are committed to never letting something like this happen again.

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