So if shes really just a friend, if shes really not hung up on him, if she doesnt have any bad feelings about the whole thing, or any animosity towards you, if shes aware that theirs is in the past, and yours is now, dont push it, and leave her be.
Now here comes the tricky part theyre all gonna say theyre all of the above, and act perfectly nice and reasonable, but what they say and what they do when they think no ones watching isnt always the same thing.
So, how do you know if shes being genuine, or just really good at pretending to be genuine?
How do you know if shes over it or is just waiting for the perfect opportunity to snatch him for herself again?The answer is and youre not going to like it you cant. Not for sure at least. You can suspect her of being this or that, you can believe her, but whichever it is youre never going to be 100 percent sure if its all just a pose, or is it all real.
Its just the way girls are, and a lot of things come into play here, such as our own insecurities, and thats why it improbable youre ever going to have it easy when it comes to talking to, seeing or even just being around the girl whos already had what youre having.
So, the only really successful way to deal with an annoying ex is to have complete trust in your boyfriend.
Her emotions, needs, and wishes in the end are none of your business, but his are. You cant know for sure what page shes on, but you can and need to know where he stands on that note, and are the ex-files shut and filed up for good.His side is really the only side that matters here, and if youve talked it out and if you trust him, an ex really isnt something youll ever need to deal with, no matter how often she pops up.
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