Sunday, April 17, 2016

How to know if your ex girlfriend wants you back

Have you recently broken up with your girlfriend and trying to win her back? Do you still find it difficult accepting that she is gone? Is it still difficult for you believing that this was someone who not too long ago, couldn’t just live without you but today seems doesn’t even give a hoot about your existence? Are you contemplating trying to win her back or lacking the courage and or knowledge to get her back?

Fortunately, you should realize that the chances of your getting her back are alive and well. That is, if she is in any way displaying any of the following signs which generally indicate that she still have an interest in getting back together with you. All you need to do is to be tactful in how you handle the situation as you attempt winning her back for good.

1. Constantly tries to keep in touch

Is she always calling you, texting or emailing you to check on how you are doing? While at the surface it might seem normal for her to want know how you are doing, you should be able to tell when she wants to keep you in her daily life. If she was really over you, she wouldn’t be that bothered.

Things are this point can get a little tricky, because if you allow the situation to persist, you may from being a temporary ex boyfriend become her permanent friend, a situation you really don’t want to get into. So while not ignoring her altogether which you really can’t afford to do, you should keep a healthy distance.

2. Becomes jealous at the mention of other girls

It is a good sign of her lingering interest in you if your ex girlfriend reacts to certain things you do or say. Of particular interest here is she often gets jealous whenever you unintentionally talk about other girls. The later indicates that she is not fully ready to let go of you yet even when she apparently appears not wanting to take you back. She still believes that you “belong” to her to a certain degree.

As a caution, try and appreciate the fact that she still has feelings for you which present an opportunity for you to get back into her life, rather than abusing the privilege and purposely trying to get her to become jealous. Remember that she still has the upper hand and that you are not yet emotional strong enough to start playing mind games with her.

3. Tries to make you feel jealous

As if her getting jealous is not enough, a sure sign that you are well on target to getting her back will be if see seem to be trying to make you feel jealous by equally mentioning other guys. However, most guys at this stage might wrongly interpret this as a sign that she might have moved on.

You need to really study her body language at this stage more so if she has shown any previous sign of jealousy as aforementioned. You must remain calm and calculated, as this will make her to try harder in getting you to react thus disarming her.

4. Excessive flirting and unbecoming conduct

This is a simple sign that there is still some element of attraction between you and her. While these signs might seem like an open invitation to get back into the relationship, it is however better to give her some space.

While the attraction still appears to be there it is not enough to keep her, let her come to her own conclusion on your ability to give her what she wants. If you jump in too early, you risk blowing it all away.

5. Keeps “Loose Ends”

How much of her stuffs are still in your apartment? Why does she keep dropping by every now and then to pick up one thing or the other? Simple, by leaving some of her stuff in your place, she has an open invitation to come to your place on a regular basis. Your ex girlfriend is simply not ready to let go of you yet.

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