Thursday, April 28, 2016

Mindpower Secrets Revealed

By Brian Parry

Scientists estimate that we only use around ten percent of our mind power. - Only ten percent! Can you imagine what would happen if you could access the remaining ninety percent? The results would be incredible!

Scientists agree that people who exhibit psychic and extra sensory abilities must be able to use these abilities due to somehow using that 90% of the human mind which usually lies idle. Some people appear to have these abilities from birth but others develop their mind power and start using these latent talents later on in life.

Were not sure yet how it works, but there is ongoing research into how our own mindpower can influence the world we live in.

Some studies even point towards the ability of our own minds to change reality. Our minds may be molded by the world less that they mold it, it seems.

The Secret and other works about the law of attraction lay out how to use mindpower to change their lives and even the world!

In case you have not come across it before, the law of attraction concerns the whole universe and states that there is a cause and effect for everything we do. So whatever you think about you will get! You must however communicate with your subconscious mind to tell it what you want; otherwise it presumes you want everything to stay as it is. Scientifically this is known as a state of homeostasis.

It seems that not only is the subconscious the prime mover behind psychic powers like remote viewing and telepathy, but is also our conduit to the energy of the universe around us.

Now the key to the development of your mindpower is to communicate with your subconscious mind. But how exactly do you do this? There are a number of ways.

Affirmations:- Affirmations are a well known positive thinking technique. When you repeat a positive affirmation to yourself, your subconscious begins to understand and begin using your untapped mindpower and start making your wishes a reality.

If you needed to boost your self esteem, you may tell yourself things like I am confident and well liked. If you want to break a habit, you can use affirmations like I only eat healthy foods.

With consistent repetition affirmations really do work. You communicate with your subconscious mind, telling it to do something different and it does! It makes you behave differently.

Follow this line of reasoning and youll see that you can change everything; not just your own behavior but reality itself can be molded by your own mindpower!

Visualization:- You can also develop your mindpower using visualization. Visualization consists of closing your eyes and picturing the things you want to happen in your minds eye. Your subconscious mind responds to the images which you focus your thoughts on and begins using your mindpower to make them a reality. You can visualize anything you want and with practice, youll increase your mindpower and make it possible.

You can use visualization to help you develop some of the psychic abilities which are naturally present in every human being. You can visualize yourself predicting the future or communicating via telepathy. If you keep practicing, visualization can bring these latent abilities to the surface and increase your mindpower even further.

Hypnosis:- Hypnosis has long been known as a way to communicate with the subconscious and to increase mindpower. A hypnotist can give suggestions to your subconscious which it will act on.

Alternatively you can try self hypnosis where you listen to a recording of a hypnotherapist going through the session. The advantage of this, apart from the cost, is that you can keep listening to it over and over again.

Brainwave entrainment:- Brainwave entrainment uses new breakthroughs in audio technology. Certain frequencies attune your brainwaves resulting in many different benefits such as pain relief and improved memory.

Some frequencies attune your mind to the trance state where it becomes easy to speak directly to the subconscious and thus increase mindpower.

Other frequencies can stimulate the parts of your body known as the chakra energy centers. There is a chakra in the center of your forehead called the third eye chakra which is responsible for psychic powers.

In fact you do not even really develop these powers. They are inside you already. It is thought that humans many thousands of years ago had this enhanced mindpower, but it became repressed and locked deep inside the mind.

When we talk about developing mindpower, what we really mean is unlocking the potential psychic abilities which are present in every person and starting to access the potential of that 90% of the brain which we dont use every day. - 30535

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