Thursday, March 31, 2016

Many men tell me Im still in love with my ex girlfriend. They want to know if theres anything they can do to get her back. The very first question to ask men who think they want their ex back is to ask what theyve already tried.

A man who is serious about getting his ex girlfriend back will usually say hes repeatedly tried to tell her how much he loves her and needs her. Hes reassured her that hell change and the relationship will be different if she gives him a second chance.  This kind of begging and pleading simply shows a woman that youre desperate and often drives them even further away.

Some men will try the opposite tactic to pleading and theyll turn to bribery. Buying her expensive gifts or taking her to fancy restaurants in an attempt to impress her wont work either. She may accept your tokens, but bribery isnt the way to win back love.

The vast majority of women want to be in a relationship with a man who will listen to what she has to say. Even if shes just making small talk, its important to her that shes heard. This doesnt mean you have to agree with everything she says. You just need to listen.

When asked if theyre willing to listen to their ex girlfriends, men who are trying hard to get back their ex often say Ive tried to listen, but she doesnt listen to a word I say. Sometimes when men think theyre listening, what theyre really doing is hearing the problem and then immediately talking back to offer a solution to fix whatever problem his girlfriend is having. He believes because she doesnt hear a word he says that shes not listening.

However, only hearing the parts of the conversation you think you can help her with and then trying to make her listen to you first is not the same as YOU listening to your girlfriends needs. Women appreciate men who listen to them. Unfortunately, men communicate in slightly different ways, which could probably have been a contributing factor to your break up in the first place.

If youre still thinking Im still in love with my ex-girlfriend and want to get her back, then practice listening. Ask her a question and then listen to what she says intently. Make a comment about her response or ask another question relating to her response, but dont try to fix it or dismiss it as unimportant. Simply listen to her.

Women assume that a man who listens to her really cares. It tells you that you understand and that youre really interested. The next time you receive an opportunity to get together with your ex, take some time to establish eye contact and really listen intently to what she says.

At first, you might find your ex-girlfriend is a little confused or guarded about your sudden change, but when she realizes that you are interested in what shes saying shell begin to relax and realize that you do care. Shell immediately begin wondering why her feelings for you went away and they should come rushing back when she understands that you really do still love your ex and really do want to get your ex back.
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Getting Back Together New from Dan and Sam!

Sam has her first article, too, at GoArticles.

I Want Him Back!

Dan has two there also:

Using Psychology To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

9 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back
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How to ignore ex girlfriend

Youve heard the advice more than once. Since your breakup people have been telling you that the thing to do, if you want to get your ex girlfriend back, is to ignore her, right? In your emotional state this hardly makes logical sense. How is it possible that ignoring someone you love will actually draw them back to you? It does defy all rationale, but there are very specific reasons why this approach is not only a good way to regain her attention, but its also a healthy approach for you to take in terms of your emotions. Before you pick up your phone to text or call your ex girlfriend again, just consider the many reasons why ignoring her may be the most beneficial route for you to take.

You Need an Emotional Break

There are few things in life that are more traumatic than the end of a relationship you cherished. If the breakup wasnt your idea you not only have to deal with the loss of your girlfriend but you have to balance the rejection as well. This weighs heavily on a man and eventually you may get so stuck in the notion that she was wrong to reject you that you cant focus on anything else. Its not healthy to pine continuously for someone who pushed you away. You have to find your own emotional balance again and the best way for you to do that is to break free from the break up. If you continue to try and reach out to your ex girlfriend on a daily or weekly basis you are keeping that wound open. By stepping back and giving yourself a momentary break from the emotional roller coaster youve been on, youll find that you can make more grounded decisions and you wont feel lost in the grief any longer.

You Need a Chance to Think Clearly

Losing a fundamental connection can feel very much like the end of the world. Its impossibly hard to imagine another relationship filling you in the same way that this one did. The fact is that unless you can disconnect emotionally from your ex girlfriend for a time, you arent going to be able to gauge with any clarity whether getting back with her really is the best thing for you.

If you two were together for any amount of time, she likely not only filled the role of your girlfriend, but she became one of your closest friends as well. That line can become very blurred in the wake of a split. You may believe you still love her because you miss her companionship. Until you have a chance to experience life without her you can truly decide whether a reunion is in your best interest or not.

Your emotions will settle down within a matter of days if you make the determined decision not to contact her for a set period of time. You should be viewing this as a step towards emotional clarity for you. You do not want to make the mistake of chasing after your ex only to discover that when you do get back together shes just not the right woman for you.

Youll Have the Opportunity to Meet New People

You may feel its beneficial to you to spend all of your time locked in your apartment but thats not healthy in an emotional sense for you. Its also not productive in terms of moving forward with your life. Even if youre holding out hope that your ex girlfriend will come running back to you, its essential that you pick up your pride and get back out into the world again.

You may not feel comfortable with the idea of dating and thats fine. Thats not a step you should be taking until you feel its right for you. However, theres nothing negative about you getting out and having fun. A good approach to take is to enlist a group of friends to go out to a club or dinner. You need to be around people and you need to start having positive experiences again. A great benefit to this is that youll discover that youll spend less and less time thinking about your ex girlfriend.

Youll Be Objective When Your Ex Contacts You Again

Right now if your ex girlfriend called and said shed want you back, youd trip over your own feet running to see her, wouldnt you? It would be your ultimate dream. Youd race back without considering the factors that drove you two apart. Youd blindly jump back into a relationship without fully thinking about what went wrong and what will be different this time around.

Thats not the emotional spot that you need to be in. You have to get yourself to a place where you can logically look at the positives and the negatives of getting back together with her. You dont want to find yourself back in the same situation again in a few weeks where youre facing another break up and wishing you could just get her back.

By stopping all contact with her youll be able to objectively deal with her when she does come back around. Silence is a powerful motivating factor when it comes to relationships. If your ex girlfriend understands that youre not chasing after her anymore, that will force her to face her feelings for you. Typically when that occurs a woman will evaluate her feelings and will often decide that getting back together with her ex is exactly what she wants.

You want to be the one who takes a moment when she does come back to decide if its truly the best thing considering where your life will be at that point. Being desperate to get her back is not attractive. You have to be in control, calm and ready emotionally to make a decision about your own future. Taking a step back from her now will help you do that.
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ReallyHow To Get Ex Girlfriend Back

How to get ex girlfriend back depends heavily on your situation. Did she leave you? Did you leave her? What was the reasoning for the breakup? Why was it that the romance ended? How did it come to be that this relationship ended?

If she left you the the way how to get ex girlfriend back is to find out what it was about you that caused her to breakup with you. Did you treat her poorly in any way? Then it could be that you dont deserve her, unless you make some serious changes. Dont let the changes be superficial. Look closely at yourself and use this as a moment to really step back and see how you can improve the way you treat others.

What were the complaints that she had of you when she left you? Take a close look at those criticisms and ask others if there is any truth to what she said. How can you figure out how to get ex girlfriend back if you arent willing to change what drove her away in the first place.

Did you leave her? If you made a mistake and let her go and now are trying to figure out how to get ex girlfriend back, then you just need to see how badly you hurt her. Find out if she is holding any resentment towards you because of what you did. It could be that she needs a little time away. If that is the case then let her have it. Dont be too far away but dont smother either.

You are going to have to convince her that you know you made a huge mistake and that you arent going to do that again. The best way to do that is to give her the space and time to see for herself that you arent just going to run off to the next one. She has to see that you are willing to stick it out. You made a mistake, you have to deal with the consequences which may mean you waiting for a long period of time. If she is really worth it then you will do it.

If the reason that the you and your girlfriend broke up is because the relationship just dissolved then, when you talk to her, let her know that you really want to get back together but you want to work hard to make it happen. You will have to convince here that what you two had was really special and that you are willing to go and get relationship advice to make it work. If she feels that you really believe that it is worth working on and that you are willing to get help to make it work then she may need no more convincing.

The real way how to get ex girlfriend back is to just take a good, honest look at what happened to bring the love to an end. Look at the mistakes that the both of you made, especially yours, and do something about it. You cant do anything to change her but you can change yourself and when she sees that you are willing to do it you may have found how to get your ex back.
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How To Stop A Divorce

Are you worried that you might not be able to find ways how to stop a divorce? If youre like most people, you would have tried everything you can think of in an effort to keep your relationship and stop it from falling apart.
Unfortunately, if youre also like most people, some of those things youve been doing to try and figure out how to stop a divorce are actually pushing your partner further away.
Here are some of the things most people do when they think they know how to stop a divorce.
1. Reassurance
Most people try hard to tell their partner that theyll change. They reassure them that if they stay in the relationship, things will be different. If youve been pleading with your partner to stay and reassuring him that everything will be better, then you could be pushing him further away.
2. Desperation
The majority of women trying to stop a divorce tell their partner over and over again I love you. They want him to see how much they care in the hope that it will make him stay. Trying to make your partner understand how much you love him and how much you need him is almost certain to make him want to pull away. After all, if you keep telling him that you cant live without him and hes the only one who can make you happy, then hes seeing that act of desperation as coming from a person who no longer has the confidence of the woman he originally fell in love with.
3. Talking
Many women spend endless hours talking, arguing, reasoning, analyzing and trying to fix a failing relationship. This tactic never works. In fact, it simply reinforces to a man that the relationship must be in serious trouble if it requires this much arguing and analyzing, so why keep trying? Nobody wants to be married to someone who constantly wants to focus on the negative aspects of everything thats going on.

While these things are almost normal instinctive behaviors for many women, they dont actually work when it comes to finding ways how to stop a divorce. What works is taking a step back and looking at your relationship a little differently. Its time to remove the emotion for just a moment and work on the dynamics of how you and your partner connected in the first place.
Think about when you first met. You would both have been happy and confident and cheerful. It was just fun to be in each others company. You would have been quite happy to accept your partner for who he was and you would have both made an effort to be sure to compromise on some things so you were both happy. Your partner would have fallen madly in love with you because you made him feel happy when you were together.
In order to find a real way how to stop a divorce, you need to figure out how to get back that happy, confident woman your husband fell in love with originally. This is not the same thing as getting a make-over. Your physical appearance isnt going to change a persons emotions. Youll need to stop focusing on the negative aspects of whats going on and work on your own inner happiness. When youre happy and confident on the inside, you suddenly become more like the person your partner loves and respects. Thats the woman he enjoys spending time with and that will also be the woman he will stop pulling away from.
When you can raise your confidence levels to that point and avoid all the usual triggers that push men away, you will have learned the easiest way of how to stop a divorce.
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Chakra Balancing For Health and Happiness!

By Jonathan Benjem

Modern science has done its best to obliterate from the minds of people the existence and importance of spiritual being within the physical being.

Conversely, the Hindu idea of life has kept alive the practice of spiritual-healing despite the developments in science and technology.

Our body is made up of 7 primary Chakras as well as thousands of secondary ones. the word Chakra, in fact, is a Sanskrit word meaning Wheel of Light, and these Chakras are in a constant state of rotation and vibration in a healthy body.

As a result, an imbalance in the vibration of these chakras results in a corresponding imbalance of the healthy functioning of the body. So, Chakra Balancing needs to be done to ensure a healthy body, mind, and soul.

Chakras are Entrance Gates of the Aura and the central points that obtains, incorporates and conveys life-force energy. Situated along the central line of the body from the base of the spine to the top of the head the seven main Chakras take and transmit energies to and from the universe, nature, celestial bodies and other people.

What distorts Chakra Balancing?

When one or more of the Chakras is blocked and the energy does not flow harmoniously through them, the result will be an imbalance among the Chakras that is manifested in all areas of life.

The correct functioning of the Chakras can distort due to a number of factors, like bad health, stress, unbalanced diet, toxicity, not enough exercise, repressing emotions, untrue beliefs, detachment from a higher power, childhood traumas, cultural conditioning and emotional traumas, etc.

Chakra balancing is Truly the Key to Health and Happiness

The normal harmonious functioning of Chakras is a utopian idea. So humans have always attempted to correct this distortion and strike a fine balance among these Chakras. The concept of self-healing is also based on Chakra balancing.

Chakras manipulate our body shape, glandular functions, chronic physical illness, thoughts, and behavior. Chakra balancing ensures that these parameters are working towards a healthy body, mind, and soul.

The advantages of Chakra Balancing are:

* Overall happiness and inner peace

* Physical health with individual strength

* Consciousness and being in touch with ones body

* Sexually satisfied life without lust

* Knowledge of individuals feelings at the unearthly level

* Improved capacity to attract and express love in ones life

* Increased spiritual growth and maturity

* Spiritual healing along with efficient modes of understanding, awareness, and recognition

* A sympathetic and adoring heart

* Tremendous confidence levels, but short of being over-confident

* Understanding of the True Self

How do you achieve Chakra Balancing?

Chakra balancing in individuals body can be accomplished by utilizing different techniques. Any of the following techniques will work to balance your bodys Chakras.

* Medicinal Therapies i.e. Reiki,

* Yoga (along with breathing exercises) and Meditation

* Exercise of body

* Color & Light Therapy

* Crystals and Gems

* Balancing by using Hands and Pendulums.

* Aromatherapy

* Touch Therapy

* Positive Thinking

* Binaural Sound Frequencies

* Hypnosis and Affirmations, etc.

Our body is a reservoir of energy, in which the spent energy is released and disposed of by the body organs, and replenished, with new supplies of energies.

Chakra balancing ensures that this energy is gained and utilized by the body optimally, and all vital organs and body cells get their fair share of this energy.

In this condition of optimization, inner peace, happiness and general feeling of well being occurs. Chakra Balancing is merely bringing the Chakras back to their normal state of vibration and frequency. - 30535

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How to get back with a girl who broke up with you

Another article excerpt from

"It seems like everything I read on the internet about how to get back with a girl who broke up with you is all one and the same. It makes me feel like I should come up with a new technique, so Im going to take a stab at that.

Here is what I came up with. Im laying it out as a 3 step process. "

Read the full text here, about how to get back with a girl who broke up with you: How to get back with a girl who broke up with you

Its also available here: (offsite)
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Should I contact my ex girlfriend

New article Should I Contact My Ex Girlfriend covers whether you should contact your ex girlfriend in 3 different timeframes since your breakup. From the section on breakups more than a year old:

"What if you are well past the initial stages of a breakup? What if it already has been months or even years since you last had contact with your ex?

Let’s take the most extreme scenario first. If it’s been a year or more since you last contacted your girlfriend, honestly I think even if she hated your guts when you broke up, it’s okay to contact her now."

Read the rest...
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Series Communicating with your ex Part 3

The third part in this 3-part series pertains to email communication.

Again, although it addresses divorced parents, the wisdom within applies to anyone in danger of sending an overly-emotional email to an ex.

If youre wanting to get your ex back, you need to be careful how you communicate by email. You want to send an agreeable message, not a confrontational one. -- Kit.

Three Email Communication Mistakes That Will Inflame Conflict Between Divorced Couples

By Mary Wollard

More and more, communication between divorced parents occurs by email. This can be an effective way to reduce conflict between parents. If you commit one or more of these three common email mistakes, however, you might create or heighten conflict. What are these common email communication mistakes, and how you can fix them to reduce conflict with the other parent?


One of the first guidelines of email etiquette is not to type words in all capital letters, because that is akin to shouting. When I first heard that, I didnt really believe it. That was until email became part of my all-day, every-day life, and then I received a message that was written mostly in caps.

It just set me on edge, like fingernails on a blackboard (do people even remember that sound anymore?). After that I started paying closer attention to emails, not just to me, but between my clients.

I found that the use of caps in emails between high-conflict parents triggers anger reactions. The caps dont add anything of substance to the communication and cause the communications to quickly deteriorate. Once the anger kicks in, effective communication really becomes impossible.

If you find yourself moved to use caps in your email, ask yourself what you are trying to achieve. Then, find some other way to communicate that.

Mistake #2 - Sarcasm and humor

When we talk to someone, our words are only a part of the communication. We use hand gestures; raise an eyebrow; make our voice higher or lower, louder or softer; laugh; smile; or frown. All of these things convey our true meaning to the person were talking to.

When you write an email, all of these nuances are gone and you are left only with the raw words of your message. In your own mind, you are often adding all of those hand gestures, facial expressions and intonations. The problem is that the person reading your email cant see into your mind. Sarcasm and humor are both highly dependent on extraneous visual and auditory cues. Since these arent available in writing, your attempts at sarcasm and humor in email will likely fail or be misconstrued.

Those cute little emoticons (the smiling, laughing, winking, or sad faces) people add to their email werent just created by people with way too much time on their hands. They are an effort to show the spirit of the words in the email so the receiver can better understand whats being said. Without something like that, the receiver has no way of knowing your intentions.

If your relationship with the other parent is stressed and full of conflict, your best practice is to leave attempts at sarcasm and humor out of your email.

Mistake #3 - Sending too soon

During a heated exchange, you may type something you would never want someone else to see. When you communicate by email, you are putting your angry thoughts into writing and you make it possible for anyone - including your children - to witness that anger long after youve cooled down.

A good rule of thumb is to pause before you send any message that you feel emotionally charged about. Stand up and walk away from the computer for a few minutes or even a few hours. When you come back, make sure that the message youre sending is something you are ok with being in print.

I cant stress enough the powerful effect communication has on the level of conflict in your relationship with the other parent. Creating healthy new patterns of communication can break the destructive cycle of conflict and allow both parents to focus on building good relationships with their children.

© 2009, Mary Wollard, J.D., Family Solutions Center, LLC

Mary A. Wollard, JD, is an attorney, mediator, and arbitrator with over 20 years experience in solving the legal issues of divorce, parenting (custody), marital property and support. In addition to helping families through mediation and arbitration, Ms. Wollard provides parenting coordination and decision-making services to families when on-going conflict prevents them from fully implementing their parenting plan after divorce. Visit for free downloadable worksheets you can use to organize your familys transition.

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Tips On How To Win Back Lost Love

To win back lost love and get your ex back is not at all natural for everyone and its no wonder because its not something most of us have any real understanding of how to successfully do. However, if you want to get back with someone who youre still in love with, then it is something youre going to have to understand and implement.

Once your ex has left the relationship and you know you want them back, its time to start sorting out your head in order to get them back.  No doubt there has been drama and emotional turmoil in the run up to the breakup and during the actual breakup.  If youre going to win back lost love youre going to need to sort yourself out and do so on your own.

It is vital that you do not involve your ex as you attempt to clear your mind, because you need space and distance from your ex and they from you.  So, if you are still in any form of contact with your ex then break off that contact now.  Contact will only make you vulnerable.  If youre vulnerable then you become someone whose ability to make rational and calm decisions becomes impaired.  Get out from under your ex and stand on your own two feet until you can honestly say that you are through the worst of the initial breakup.

Equally, do your best to avoid spending too much time on your own.  Because as much as you need to be away from your ex, you also need to have people around you. Spending too much time on your own brings a real risk of you becoming depressed and low.  You might also find that if youre on your own too much, then you can struggle with the temptation to call or try to see your ex.  So find your friends.  If you need to make new friends, then do so.  Do anything to avoid being home alone night after night.

To win back lost love and get your ex back, make sure that you are clear about the mistakes that were made in the relationship by you.  Yes your ex no doubt made their fair share of mistakes, but for now your concern is your own behavior since that is the only thing you can realistically control and affect.

Come to terms with your weaknesses and make sure that if you need to do some work on yourself that you put in place the right mechanisms to do so. That may involve discussing your situation with a professional or it might mean changing the way that you cope with certain situations.

Whatever you need to do to win back lost love and get your ex back, if you are serious, then you need to get on and do it before its too late.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Ericksonian Hypnosis Method

By Christopher Cohen

Neuro Linguistic Programming and Ericksonian Hypnosis are the primary backbones behind the power of conversational hypnosis. It is encouraging to see two schools of thought merging at their pinnacle. This phenomena exhibits that there is certainly legitimacy and validity behind the power of conversational hypnosis. It has been rumored that even Barack Obama has dabbled in a bit of conversational hypnosis. His ability to captivate audiences is unsurpassed by his predecessor. The subtle indirect usage of suggestion is what Neuro Linguistic Programming is all about.

The power of conversational hypnosis will give you the ability to influence people and your conversations with them in order to help improve you and your life. The basis of NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis is through indirect suggestion that massages the unconscious mind in hopes that you will be able to resolve inner conflict that resides within your subconscious thus altering your behavior in what we commonly all refer to as Reality.

You can use the power of conversational hypnosis to transform your life and conversations. By using NLP and relaxation you are able to bring the other person into a state of persuasion. During this relaxed state, you are able to tamp in the unconscious and use indirect suggestion to control the tempo of the discussion. From there, you can enter the experiences that are stored in the deep subconscious to alter or adapt them.

By bringing the person into a state of deep relaxation, you are prepping their mind for embedded indirect suggestions that you can use to draw out certain aspects of the person based on their collective subconscious mind. The cool thing about implementing the power of conversational hypnosis is that it can be performed anywhere and at anytime. Neuro Linguistic Programming is the science behind embedded indirect suggestion. By learning the simple triggers of NLP, you will find yourself immersed in a world full of opportunity and relationships with people you never would have otherwise met.

One very simple method for bringing a person into a state of deep relaxation is to ask them about something dear to them. For example, if Mothers Day happens to be a week away, you can ask them about their mother and what they plan on doing for Mothers Day. By inquiring about someone personal and dear to them you bring the person to be hypnotized one step closer to deep relaxation. Of course, if the person is not in good terms with their mother and they start to get riled up over your inquiry, simply shift the focus to something more universal.

Once in that relaxed state, the power of conversational hypnosis comes into play. Through indirect suggestion or NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) the person to be hypnotized will be able to make the behavioral modifications that they want in life. NLP can be explained through a very plain and simple example.

Imagine you are carrying a tray of glasses filled to the brim with iced tea. On your way from the kitchen to the patio, you are focused and concentrating on maintaining your balance so as not to spill your drinks. All of the sudden someone yells out, "Dont spill that!" Now, what may seem a nice enough gesture to ensure that you dont spill the ice tea has actually put into motion conditions that will increase your likelihood of spilling the tray of drinks. The reason for this is that the subconscious mind cannot discern between negations and affirmations. Simply speaking, your unconscious mind processes "Spill that!" and ignores the negation "Dont"

Here is another example. Sit comfortably or lie down, whichever is more comfortable for you. Now, do NOT focus on your breath for 15 seconds. Now, take a 15 second break and come back when youre done. Im gonna take a wild guess here and say that you thought about your breath for the whole 15 seconds. This is a basic example of how the unconscious mind cannot discern what a negation is.

The power of conversational hypnosis works in the same way. Indirect suggestion brings about real change in real people. The methods of conversational hypnosis are proven and have helped thousands improve their lives. As time goes on you will improve on your skills to harness the true power of conversational hypnosis. - 30535

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Getting your ex back in time for Christmas

Here is an excerpt from a new article on

"There are tricks for getting your ex back that work best at Christmas time. Now, at this time when you want your ex back more than ever, you have to use the holiday to your advantage. I have found there are three secrets to getting your ex back in time for Christmas."

Read the full text here, about getting your ex back in time for Christmas: Getting your ex back in time for Christmas

Its also available here: (offsite)
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Do you know how to win ex girlfriend back?  Let’s look at the situation with Tom and Sheri. 
Shari was busy one night and Tom went to a party alone.  It was stupid, but he started to make out with one of Shari’s friends there.  Shari, of course, heard about it and had a dramatic confrontation with Tom.
“I never want to see you again,” se said.  “I am so out of here.”
Tom’s devastated.  He knows he was wrong, but he wants to know how to win ex girlfriend back.  He misses Shari.
The first thing Tom needs to do is sincerely apologize.  This is not just a quietly mumbled “I’m sorry” either.  He needs to realize what he did wrong, figure out why he did it, decide whether he will ever do it again, and most importantly, communicate all of this honestly to Shari.
At this point, Tom should stop.  The ball is now in Shari’s court.
Tom shouldn’t call Shari.  He shouldn’t email, text, or comment on her wall.  He shouldn’t send flowers or candy. 
What he should do is let her make the next move.  She is 100 percent in control here.  If Tom goes out to score, he’s going to lose her.  If he wants to know how to win ex girlfriend back, he needs to be planning for the next step not focusing on the present.
At some point, Shari will initiate contact.  There are many pretexts for doing this.  For instance, she may be mad and want to exchange all personal property.  Or, she could be missing him and just want to talk.
At this point, Tom needs to make his move.  He needs to show her that he’s the one.
He should put the incident behind him.  Tom should only bring up what happened if she does first. 
Otherwise, he should talk about the positive memories that they have had together.  He should bring up specific incidents that were special for the two of them. 
For instance, he could say, “I was walking around downtown and I saw the restaurant we went to on our first date and I thought of you.” 
If he keeps it casual, he can talk about missing her.  “I miss the way you laugh at my corny jokes,” is a good line.  Telling her that he can’t imagine life without her is a bad one.
If she’s receptive, and she probably will be (why else is she calling?) Tom should suggest a casual get together.  For instance, he should ask her to meet him for coffee or something similar.  A half hour mini-date might get things back on track for them.
If he plays it right, he will have found the right solution to the how to win ex girlfriend back dilemma.
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How To Make Him Or Her Fall In Love Again

Things getting a little boring in your relationship? Feeling like every day is the same as the day before? How would you like to bring back the excitement and fun you felt when you first fell in love? Think its impossible? Its not.
See, if you know why a person fell in love with you in the first place, you know how to make that person fall in love with you all over again, as many times as you want – even forever! The trick is figuring out why your mate fell in love with you from the start.
How do you do that? You ask. Bear in mind asking, “Why do you love me?” isnt the best question to ask in this instance. If you dont believe me, ask your mom why she loves your dad. Shell likely say (like most people) “I dont know exactly why I love him, I just do.”
But the truth is that people fall in love with someone because of how that someone makes them feel about themselves. So if you want to find out exactly what it was that started it all, way back when, ask your partner what it was you made them feel, about themselves, when they first began to fall in love with you.
Maybe you made him feel like he was the most sexy man on the planet, or you made her feel like she was intelligent and interesting. In any case, whatever you made them feel about themselves, its a sure indication feeling that way makes them very happy.
Knowing what makes your partner very happy, what makes him/her feel really good about themselves makes helping them to fall in love with you again a pretty simple operation.
How? Because once you know how you made your significant other feel about him/herself when your relationship first began, youll have the key to unlocking those feelings of falling in love again over and over in your lives, as many times as you want.
So go ahead and try it today. Ask your partner, “How did I make you feel, about yourself, when we were dating or when we first met?” Then, once you have the answer, do whatever you need to do to recreate that feeling.
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How to flirt with a ex girlfriend

Flirting with an ex girlfriend can be a touchy subject and to be honest,  it can be a little awkward at times.  It’s good to know a few tips for flirting with your ex girlfriend so you don’t end up giving her the wrong impression.  You don’t want to make her feel like you are trying too hard to flirt,  because that can end up making her feel like the whole thing was rehearsed and not really genuine.

Of course,  flirting with your ex girlfriend IS a good way to get her thinking about you again in the romantic context,  so if you do have the desire to try to get her back,  you are going to have to do some flirting.

Here are 3 ways that you can flirt with your ex girlfriend to get her thinking about you again:

1)  Send her a flirt by text message.

This is when texting can come in handy.  When you want to send just a little flirtation and not have some long conversation,  flirting by text can do the trick.  What you want to keep in mind is that short is way better than long as far as text messages go and also… things don’t always read the way that you want them to.  So,  put some thought into it and read it back to yourself before you send it off just to see if it might read a little differently on the screen than it does in your mind.

2)  Tease her about having a new boyfriend if you know that she is single.

Flirting by teasing a woman is something that always seems to work as long as it doesn’t seem too corny or too mean.  If you tease her about having a new boyfriend when you know that she is single,  it can be kind of fun and make it seem like you are not really trying to win her back.  Of course,  it’s really just something to get started with.  You aren’t going to win her back just because you teased her a bit about having a non existent boyfriend.

3)  Tease her about a memory that you have with her.

Again,  the teasing thing can work really well with an ex girlfriend.  If you have something that you remember,  like a shared experience with your ex girlfriend and you know that she remembers it too,  you can use that to playfully tease her.  For example,  you might tease her about her being afraid of the Ferris wheel at a carnival that you went with her.  It does the job of teasing/flirting with her and it does the job of reminding her of when you and her were a couple.
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How to ruin your ex girlfriends life

A Massachusetts man was sentenced to seven years in prison after spending the better part of the past year tormenting his ex-girlfriend online, according to a WLJA report.

Boston native Bruce Stimon, 47, met Arlington, Va., resident Soraida Hicks on an airplane in 2011 and they began dating long distance shortly thereafter. Stimon showed Hicks with gifts during that time, including a new iPhone, which he put on his own family plan—a move that would allow him to access information belonging to her friends and contacts.

Then he used that contact information to tell Hicks friends that shed contracted an STD.

Hicks broke up with Stimon shortly after finding out about his antics, but the tormenting continued. Before long, Hicks started receiving phone calls from adult men in northern Virginia who were looking for an escort. She looked online and found that her name and face had started to show up on escort sites around the Web.
Whats more, Stimon had filled out some of her profiles with the phone numbers of her employer and direct supervisor. She was fired from her bank job just a few days before her daughters Twitter followers were made privy to a video of Hicks and Stimon having sex.

"It was devastating," Hicks daughter told WJLA. "I would go into the bathroom stall and just cry and would come back to class and act like everything was okay."

But it wasnt okay, and the abuse didnt stop. Stimon turned to porn sites to advertise Hicks and her daughter as a "mother and daughter" sex package. Eager readers started showing up at their doorstep a few days later.

Stimons scheming went on for months before police could catch him. It took his venturing from Boston down to the Hicks Arlington neighborhood in an effort to slash his ex-girlfriend’s tires to get the man arrested.

Hicks, whos been active in her efforts to get her name removed from the porn sites, reports that shes only had limited success.
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Win Ex Back 5 Ways To Win Ex Back

If you are the only in the relationship that is trying to reach a resolution, then trying to get your ex back may seem like a lonely and difficult proposition. These five steps will help you figure out what it takes to win ex back and will add some optimism to even the bleakest of situations.

1 - First and foremost, be strong if you want to win ex back. Your ex is not going to want you back if you are acting needy or desperate, so it is absolutely vital that you be strong in order to rekindle things over time.
Desperate behavior is going to repel a lost love rather than attract them, and it is vital that you keep this in mind when interacting with your ex in any way.

2 - Next, you should minimize contact with your ex if you want to get your ex back. It may seem counter intuitive to close the communication doors, but it is one of the most vital steps that you can take.

You need to give everyone involved in the relationship a break so that reflection can occur before you even attempt to rekindle things.

Give yourself and your ex both time to clear your minds, and the relationship will have a greater chance of being rekindled.

3 - Third, you should be flexible if you are serious about learning how to win ex back. Youre not going to scare your ex into returning to you. Your ex was unsatisfied in some way and that is why the relationship ended.

It is time for you to become more flexible, and to become a sympathizer and a listener. Stay strong, but also be flexible in every possible way so that the bridges of communication can be rebuilt in your relationship.
4 - Fourth, you are going to need to get out if you want to win ex back. This is not a good time for you to be alone, so call your friends and go out and have some fun.

Develop other forms of enjoyment and entertainment in your life away from your ex. You do not necessarily have to date, but you do need to spend some time with your friends and even your family if you want to survive this break up.

5 - Finally, being yourself is vital if your primary goal is to win ex back. You and your ex used to be attracted to one another, which means there is still attraction there. It might take being yourself to rekindle things.
Sometimes relationships can become boring and monotonous and all that it takes is for you to realize what changed is to realize what made you compatible in the first place. Learn how to be yourself, to accentuate your qualities and to remind him or her of why they loved you in the first place.
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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How To Win Ex Girlfriend Back With An Apology

No doubt all you can think about now shes walked out on you is how to win ex girlfriend back.  Possibly you didnt realize that you loved her, or perhaps how much you loved her, until she walked out on you and now youre in pain and desperate to figure out how to win ex girlfriend back. You will be able to get your ex back.

Well heres some information that will help you as you try to figure out the right moves that will help you get her back in your arms.

You might have made some mistakes, weve all been there, so dont beat yourself up!  The most constructive thing to do right now is not to try and rewrite history, instead you need to figure out how to step up and find a way to write the future for the two of you, that you want. 

If you need to apologize for anything that you did wrong, then get ready to do so.  What you should also do, is to make sure that you understand why youre apologizing.  Dont just go through the motions of an apology because you think its what she wants to hear.  No, look at the behavior that shes objecting to and try and understand her point of view.

The apology that you now come up with has to address two points if youre serious about figuring out how to win ex girlfriend back.  Make sure that you use the apology to convince your ex girlfriend that you have completely understood her point of view and also that youre one hundred percent ready to change that behavior.

It will be great if you have previously come up with a plan to prove to your ex that youre rally serious.  By that I mean do you need to go and talk to a professional about your behavior?  Well then make the appointment and make sure that you have actually attended a few sessions and are committed to continuing to talking to the professional.  Just a word of warning, if youre not sincere in this, youre wasting your time even trying to fool your ex girlfriend.

If you cheated on her, then try and figure out why you cheated.  Again, you cant rewrite history, but if you can begin to figure out what brought you to the point of cheating, then the next time you find yourself in that situation you will have a real shot at avoiding it.  Explain your thought process to your ex girlfriend and own your behavior.

When you go to talk to your girlfriend, as you attempt to answer your question how to win back ex girlfriend, make sure you give her space to say what she has to say and listen with sincerity.  Do all of the above and youre well on your way to getting her back.
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How to quickly get your ex girlfriend back

When reality sets in, and relationships end, you are girl may still have lingering questions if its really the end between the two of you.  Sometimes guys just cannot admit to themselves that their girlfriend dumped them and think that its never working out.  Well at least that was how I felt before.  Amidst all the confusion, hurt pride and longing, I only have one think in mind, "I want to get my ex girlfriend back fast and for good".

If you are like me, I dont give up just easily.  So, I gathered up whats left of my pride and laid out my plan to win back her heart and mind.  I told myself I am going to get back that kiss that once was mine.  I will take nothing less. 

In order to get back together with your ex girlfriend, there are numerous steps to take. Here are some of the tips that you should keep in mind when working through this process.

  1. There is always a second chance for everyone, so its not impossible for you to get back together with your ex girlfriend. But first, you should ask yourself some questions Do you still love her? Do you really want her back? Why? Are you trying to get her back because you dont want to be alone, or you dont believe you should have been dumped? If you are looking to get back with your ex for reasons other than love, you may be playing a dangerous game that would be better off avoided.
  2. Do not appear desperate or needy to your girlfriend if your priority is "how can I get back together with my ex girlfriend?" Although you may feel desperate, and you may really want her back, you absolutely need to control your emotions, keeping them to yourself. If you cannot help them, then it may be wise to talk to your friends or family so you can cry your heart out where she cannot see. Do not beg or cry in front of your girlfriend, however, and absolutely do not stalk her. 
  3. Learn how to control your feelings, forgetting about self pity and instead working on the positive aspects of working things through with your ex. If you appear too needy, or if you come off as too desperate, she may end up avoiding you even more.
  4. Keep the communication lines with your ex open. She may have ended the relationship, but you just need to make her feel like communication lines are open and that you want to be civil. You do not have to be the one initiating the conversation, but you should be willing to say hello and have a conversation occasionally with her, keeping in touch casually. 
  5. Above all else, analyze what went awry with the relationship. There must have been a problem that led to the end of the relationship, so find out what the problem was if you want to get back together with your ex. Find out what caused the arguments, of which of her needs werent being met, and work on rectifying those issues.
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Worst To Best Kevin Smith

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith

I consider Kevin Smith to be somewhat of a brotherly figure. Perhaps he isn’t the most talented director in the world, but no matter how many times he misses the bar, you love him all the same with a definite soft spot for every piece of work he produces. You remember the good times, those moments he delivered his style impeccably, even if these days it seems more and more likely he only got lucky on occasion (albeit very lucky, reasonably often).

But no matter your opinion, one thing we have to respect Kevin for (at times, higher than some of the greatest directors on our planet), is his persistent willingness to push himself. He is forever trying something different, unafraid to dive into genres he knows absolutely nothing about, the only common denominator between his efforts standing as the daunting list of actors who recur throughout his work. And even if this approach has sometimes worked to his detriment (his later movies have been whipped as such duds that I worry as to how predictable this list may turn out, as well as how much of his career he has left), we cannot deny that he has continued to find fresh ways to get his thoughts onto our screens and into our hearts, which I find respectable. Respectable enough to write this blog, anyway.

And so while the UK waits impatiently for the release of Tusk (and while his filmography stands at the nice round number of 10 entries), I figured it was a decent point to analyse his projects and place them in some sort of an order, which is what I have done, and I am so glad youve read this far already. Please continue:

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 10. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

10. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)

Do not be fooled by this decidedly worst position, for let it be known, I adore Jay and Silent Bob with every stoner residue left within my bones from a misguided youth of bad decisions. They are the living interpretation of Beavis and Butthead meets Laurel and Hardy, appealing to the teenager in all of us, while we enjoy the last bits of our intelligence evaporating as each minute passes. And this flick is the epitome of their humour: shamelessly stupid without giving a fuck, the laughs so tasteless and pointless that you feel dirty for chuckling at them like some cheaper version of yourself. It come across more like a fun comic rather than a film, as we watch our vulgar heroes set out to destroy a movie within a movie in order to collect their royalties and prove the whole internet wrong. But even when considering the extensive film nods and thorough list of cameos, one can’t escape the feeling that this is one long lazy in-joke, driven by self indulgence and self references, repeatedly more miss than hit and boringly predictable, a cheesy side-project rather than a movie, falling cringely flat at whatever it was trying to do. Ultimately, it’s a Smith film for fans only, and even then, maybe not.

Key Scene: The closest thing we’ve got to a Good Will Hunting sequel.
Recurring actors: Joey Lauren Adams; Ben Affleck; Jeff Anderson; Jason Biggs; George Carlin; Matt Damon; Shannen Doherty; Dan Etheridge; Dwight Ewell; Walter Flanagan; Bryan Johnson; Jason Lee; Jason Mewes; Tracy Morgan; Scott Mosier; Ernest ODonnell; Brian OHalloran; Vincent Pereira; Chris Rock; Stephen Root; Seann William Scott; Harley Quinn Smith; Jennifer Schwalbach Smith; Kevin Smith; Ethan Suplee; John Willyung

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 09. Cop Out

09. Cop Out (2010)

Cop Out is an easy target, often considered Smith’s worst to date, even if I don’t find it quite as bad as everyone makes it out to be (and yet, still pretty bad). However, once you realise Smith didn’t actually write the film (only directed it, the sole example on my list), we can’t exclusively blame the guy for this typical homage to the buddy cop genre. At its core, it’s an adventure where two partners grow as a team whilst dealing with their own personal lives, featuring Tracy Morgan (performing as well as always) fearing his wife’s infidelity, and Bruce Willis (who reportedly hated working with Smith due to his excessive pot smoking) trying to find enough money to pay for his daughters wedding. If that clumsy textbook synopsis didn’t already bore you to murder, then the overly eager film will, which tries so desperately to get you to laugh that you forget how, instead leaving you annoyed without any memory as to what actually happened. Perhaps it’s not the disaster every critic has labeled it, but in its incomplete, formulaic agony, it’s a movie which has been done a thousand times before and almost always better.

Key Scene: Morgan quoting Die Hard is just the kind of naughty self reference only Smith has the balls to do.
Recurring actors: Jason Lee; Tracy Morgan; Jim Norton; Ernest ODonnell; Kevin Pollak; Seann William Scott; Jennifer Schwalbach Smith; Kevin Smith

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 08. Clerks II

08. Clerks II (2006)

Set 10 years after the original, Clerks II is pretty much the same old shit: a commentary on growing up and maintaining friendships whilst trying to survive the minimum wage rat race, except now as immature 30-something slackers as opposed to the more forgivable 20-something versions from before. Of course, the cult fan following served the reception well, many blindly praising the continuation of Smith’s everyday dialogue as well as the loveable casting (Dawson alone carries a lot of the movie herself), but personally I found this subpar development to be a substanceless pile of pointless disappointment, where we, the viewers, have grown up much faster than these protagonists, who act far too childish for their age group and that makes me feel old in just saying. It came across as more fun to make than watch, whilst trying too hard to be crude and emotionally touching at the same time, yet ultimately failing at both, exposing what is wrong with most of Kevin’s efforts: forcing tackiness straight into the oblivion of obviousness. I mean, the whole donkey ordeal? C’mon, that was way over the vulgar-cringe line even for Smith, but then again, maybe you’re into that sorta stuff.

Key Scene: All criticism aside, that Silence of the Lambs moment was one my favourite Smith moments in his filmography.
Recurring actors: Ben Affleck; Jeff Anderson; Walter Flanagan; Jason Lee; Jason Mewes; Scott Mosier; Brian OHalloran; Harley Quinn Smith; Jennifer Schwalbach Smith; Kevin Smith; Ethan Suplee

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 07. Red State

07. Red State (2011)

Despite this low position, there’s a lot to love about Red State. Essentially a cult-like horror, it covers every base, from sex to religion (the whole plot presented as one preachy anti-church seminar) to violence (lots of violence, people die), and in that way, could easily appeal to Smith fans and non-Smith fans alike, as one very different offering from the director. Furthermore, the performances are memorable (Michael Parks is worth the watch alone) and it is visually brilliant, probably the best looking Smith film on this list as far as style goes. But by the time it had reached its conclusion, I couldn’t escape the question of “was that it?” The idea was there and it was a good one, but the execution was so thin, messy, and directionless that I couldn’t imagine the script to be any more than a few pages long. Simply put, it felt unfinished, as if it “almost worked”, which is why this is yet another one of Smith’s later efforts which received mixed reviews at best, perhaps rather swallowed as an example of where the man tried to make a movie just slightly beyond his capabilities. Which still does deserve some appreciation, granted.

Key Scene: It’s difficult because there doesn’t really feel like there are that many distinctive scenes here, but I guess the whole action-packed mid-section was quite exciting?
Recurring actors: Betty Aberlin; Ralph Garman; Michael Parks; Kevin Pollak; Stephen Root; Jennifer Schwalbach Smith

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 06. Jersey Girl

06. Jersey Girl (2004)

Smith took an admirable risk with Jersey Girl, turning focus away from his trademark vulgar humour, opting rather to tell a heartfelt family story, dealing with the tragedy of loss and the struggles of single parenthood. Unfortunately, it was a gaggy flop, critics quick to tear the casting apart without focusing on the actual movie itself, which I consider unfair. Although, it has to be said, the casting was atrocious. Affleck performs well but is hard to take seriously, Castro comes across unauthentic, Carlin is uncharacteristically forgettable, and ... J.Lo?? Ughhhh! In fact, only Tyler feels like the right choice for her role, but even the unavoidable Liv charm could not save this film from crawling along like some formulaic, bland, safe effort from a director who has built a reputation from doing the exact opposite. BUT ... somehow I cannot bring myself to dislike this film, as its sweet nature and feel-good cuteness is still a cry-worthy journey, and if nothing else, is a fresh glimpse into Smith’s rare mature side, fundamentally a respectable effort in regards to trying something different and not completely failing at it.

Key Scene: The whole Will Smith running gag is great.
Recurring actors: Betty Aberlin; Ben Affleck; Jason Biggs; George Carlin; Matt Damon; Dan Etheridge; Jason Lee; Ernest ODonnell; Vincent Pereira; Stephen Root; Harley Quinn Smith; Jennifer Schwalbach Smith; John Willyung

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 05. Zack and Miri Make a Porno

05. Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008)

It’s difficult to think of a title which sums up a film as accurately as this one. For, yes, Zack and Miri make a porno to solve their cash flow issues, and of course, fall in love in the process, simples. It’s Smith’s silly little rom com with a smutty centre, filthy but friendly, an unorthodox cuteness which, unfortunately, critics didn’t approve of. The usually "bankable" Rogen experienced his "worst box-office opening ever", the reception reportedly sending Smith into a deep depression following, and it doesn’t take a film connoisseur to work out why. The flick tries too hard to be crude just for the sake of it, and as a result, is another predictable piece of writing from the director, “a new low”, as some have called it. But in that same breath, I consider it underrated, as it only backfires in its desperate raunchiness due to the mushy heart dominating the execution, all corny and awkward and even ... touching (for a porn theme). It hits more than it misses, it’s not as disgusting as it wishes it was, and I honestly consider it one of Smith’s “better” works. Well, sort of.

Key Scene: Full frontal Jason! No homo.
Recurring actors: Betty Aberlin; Jeff Anderson; Justin Long; Jason Mewes; Jim Norton; Ernest ODonnell; Jennifer Schwalbach Smith

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 04. Clerks

04. Clerks (1994)

And from here, it’s only the big boys, and there isnt much bigger than Smith’s debut, a film which proves that you don’t need a large budget, a real plot, or even colour to create an accidental classic so financially successful that it’s often considered one of the greatest independent comedies of all time. Exposing a day in the life of two half hearted slacker employees dealing with customers, running on the fuel of dialogue alone, there is no message here. Nobody is trying to save the world. Our characters just want to get through their shift, and in that way, it feels authentic as a slice of life we can all relate to whilst dying in hysterics from the excessive, politically incorrect toilet humour. But while Clerks would top many a Smith junkie’s list, personally I consider it slightly overrated for its cult status, and with all the sequels and animated versions which followed, it has grown a little weary in my eyes, sorry. Still, no one can deny this is Smith at his very best, with nothing to prove and ultimately the flick which made him the superstar he is today.

Key Scene: Difficult to think of one “key scene” when the movie is essentially quotable quote after quote, but I’ll go with when Silent Bob speaks his wisdom, simply because it’s a cool thing for Smith to have done and the first of that running theme.
Recurring actors: Jeff Anderson; Walter Flanagan; Jason Mewes; Scott Mosier; Ernest ODonnell; Brian OHalloran; Vincent Pereira; Kevin Smith; John Willyung

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 03. Mallrats

03. Mallrats (1995)

As Smith’s sophomore, as well as the prequel to Clerks (set the day before), obvious human nature is to compare this offering to his debut, and generally, quite unfavourably. People called it flawed and people called it juvenile, but I call that bullshit, this underrated reception leaving me completely dumbfounded. For starters, it’s not all that different from his first effort, yet another semi-plotless slacker stoner movie, complete with many of Smith’s playful trademarks such as awkward situations, vulgar dialogue, comic book obsessions, and a silly childlike charm, except set in a mall rather than a store this time. But beyond that, what really sets Mallrats superior in my mind, is its deeper understanding of the hardships of break-ups. As the impressionable youth I was when I first watched it, this movie granted me some unlikely tools to deal with heartbreak in a humourous manner, which still serves me to this very day. Perhaps that was never its intention, but regardless, is why I personally hold this film dear to me as almost life changing as well as one of Kevin’s greatest works—better than your precious Clerks, anyway. Oh, and Jason Lee owns it.

Key Scene: Most people would probably flock towards the Stan Lee thing, but honestly, it was the spooning arm metaphor which always stuck with me.
Recurring actors: Joey Lauren Adams; Ben Affleck; Shannen Doherty; Walter Flanagan; Bryan Johnson; Jason Lee; Jason Mewes; Scott Mosier; Brian OHalloran; Kevin Smith; Ethan Suplee

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 02. Dogma

02. Dogma (1999)

As this list should effortlessly illustrate, there are generally two types of Smith films: the safe, immature, more successful “stick to what he knows” type; and the different, less successful “out of his depth” type. But Dogma is the exception. Telling the age-old tale of good vs. evil, two fallen angels have found a loophole in the Christian system to get back into heaven, and the fate of the world lies in the hands of an abortion clinic worker, obvs. And while such a pushy religious theme was a risky move on Smith’s part (even some death threats followed), the bold jump paid off, a rare glimpse into the director’s intellectual side, maintaining the humour whilst even toying with something ... profound? Wait, Kevin Smith? Profound?? Did he actually write this movie?? Evidently so, as only someone as stoned as him could think up a concept as ludicrous as Buddy Christ. Sure, some critics called it bloated, pretentious, and unnecessarily long, but for me this well casted effort is almost as close to a masterpiece as he can get, and I eagerly rock in my seat every time the mention of a potential sequel comes up. And it often does.

Key Scene: Avoiding spoilers hard here, but for those who are in the know, I’ll say one word: God.
Recurring actors: Betty Aberlin; Ben Affleck; Jeff Anderson; George Carlin; Matt Damon; Dan Etheridge; Dwight Ewell; Walter Flanagan; Bryan Johnson; Jason Lee; Jason Mewes; Scott Mosier; Ernest ODonnell; Brian OHalloran; Vincent Pereira; Chris Rock; Kevin Smith; Ethan Suplee

Worst To Best: Kevin Smith: 01. Chasing Amy

01. Chasing Amy (1997)

As an oblivious heterosexual male, it’s hard for me to comment on the lesbian controversy which backhanded this film’s release. Perhaps it’s my own ignorance, but I felt this was Smith’s genuine attempt at accurately commenting on the gender roles within a relationship, as well as the difficulty of stomaching the sexual history of one’s partner. I view it as almost an untraditional chick flick, “a chick flick for guys” I’ve heard it been called, with touching performances all around (I fell in love with Adams multiple times within its duration), provoking tears without breaking the vulgarity or comic book references we have come to rely on. And above all else, it analyses love, friendship, and homosexuality in a fair, romantic manner, as funny as always, but with more heart and sincerity, which, personally, has only helped me become more tolerant towards dykes and my own bitches. Because of these reasons, I stand up and proclaim this as Smith’s most mature offering—as Smith’s best offering—and the only “real” movie he has ever made.

Key Scene: The sex-injury Jaws parody.
Recurring actors: Joey Lauren Adams; Ben Affleck; Matt Damon; Dwight Ewell; Walter Flanagan; Bryan Johnson; Jason Lee; Jason Mewes; Scott Mosier; Ernest ODonnell; Brian OHalloran; Vincent Pereira; Kevin Smith; Ethan Suplee; John Willyung

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How To Save My Marriage

Do you wonder “how to save my marriage?”  This article tells you how to save your marriage.
First, you need to identify the trouble in your relationship.  Some common troubles include:
· Money concerns
· Child rearing difficulties
· Lack of sex
· Lack of communication
· Loss of identity
And, of course, there are many others.  You may discover that there is one main problem or you may identify several smaller problems that are eating away at your marriage. 
When you identify the problem or problems that are at the root of your marriage troubles, you will be able to move on to the next step which is close, personal interaction.
In this step, you will need to be open to extensive conversation.  If you have not had a lot of open communication during your marriage, you may want to consider counseling in order to facilitate the personal interaction that is key to this step. 
If you really want to save your marriage, you will set aside time to work on your marriage issues every single day.  You could set aside some time like after the children go to bed or you could decide to take a walk after dinner every day for just the two of you.  But, you should plan to get back in touch with each other.  A daily habit of quality time with your spouse is very important.
Take some “romantic time” each week.  For some couples, this means reinstating a “date night” every week.  On Tuesdays, for instance, you get a sitter and go out for a picnic or walk around the mall.  As you can see, this doesn’t have to involve wine and roses every week, but a romantic time that you can look forward to all week is essential.
As you spend time together being romantic and discussing your problems, you must have an open mind toward what your partner is telling you.  You need to understand that a lot of the problems in your marriage are caused by – get this – you!  Until you really listen to your partner, you are not going to be able to effect the kind of personal change necessary to save your marriage.
You need to have faith in your partner.  You need to give him or her the benefit of the doubt.  You need to believe that the marriage still can and will work.  You also need to believe that your partner is still essentially the same person he or she was when you married them.  If you cannot have faith in your partner and in your marriage, you might as well give up now.
Finally, you have to be open to forgiveness.  If your partner has made mistakes – even major ones – you must be able to forgive.  If you insist that there are things that cannot be forgiven, there is no hope for your marriage. 
Everyone makes mistakes.  Some people make big mistakes.  If that person makes a genuine apology – which includes acts of contrition and an effort to change – they deserve forgiveness.
This article gave you answers to that perplexing question, “how to save my marriage.”
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Theres another new article on Here is an excerpt:

Notice how there are so many tv shows these days, about "man space" or "man caves"? Notice how, on real estate shows, guys are always trying to find a house with a room that will be theirs alone, away from the family?

Good or bad, its become accepted that men need to have a place to escape. If you and your ex shared a small living space where you were always within earshot of each other, and he never had many opportunities to be home alone, this was part of why he broke up with you.

Read the full text here, about getting back an ex boyfriend who was afraid to commit: Before you get your ex boyfriend back, accept his fear of commitment

Its also available here: (offsite)
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Simple Class Management Methodologies

By Jurinsthea Smith

All teachers, regardless of the level must have an effective class management carefully planned. A well thought out strategy can make the difference between a productive year for students and an unfulfilling one. Both new and experienced teachers must bear in mind that the success or failure of the class comes down to how efficient they were in spearheading the class, acting not only as a teacher but also as a manager.

Class management varies in approach and strategy. Therefore, you cant impose one methodology to all of your classes. Classroom organization is never thought in college. You will only know its importance once you are already conducting a class. Years of teaching experience will prove valuable to have a tested management strategy. Therefore, before entering class next time, make sure you have a process in the back of your mind. Here are suggestions on how you can start and draft your own set of classroom organization.

Suggestion # 1: Establish class rules. Setting your own standards should be the first priority you must look into. But this does not mean you need to be a dictator in class. You are simply acting as a manager and teacher at the same time. You need to draft regulations that wont suffocate your students, but not too lenient that students can do almost everything. Discuss your policies every now and then. And if possible post this somewhere that students can see and read on a daily basis for reminder purposes. They will also be reminded on proper decorum while in class.

Suggestion # 2: Nurture creativity. This is greatly forgotten by teachers in conducting their classes. Certainly, teachers should teach students through lectures and class discussions. However, some students are often distracted and their attention span is short as well. So, to attract their focus, you must have other means of transmission and the key there is fun discussion. This will not lengthen the students focal point but also aids them in retaining lectures longer. Studies show that students have better comprehension when lessons are introduced using other lecture procedures.

Suggestion #3: Set personal talks. Though teachers and students must have boundaries, this does not mean you need to limit yourself away from them. An effective teacher always reaches to their students in a manner that is respectable. Set small conversations to your students before or after class. With this, you can gauge their interest, what they had understood and what are their concerns. Their inputs are valuable for your professional growth. And they will also feel that they are important to you. Furthermore, they might change their initial impression towards you.

The teaching profession is indeed a noble one. Even if you are already in that slot, there is still room for new knowledge inputs. Following the three stated suggestions can actually take a major leap in your teaching career. Thus for that effective class management, following these simple procedures can definitely flourish your profession positively. - 30535

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What Is Meant By A Past Regression

By John Paul Harding

Are you familiar with the idea of past life regression? As more people come to accept the idea of reincarnation, many are interested in the idea of going back over their past lives to find out more about themselves.

One thing which can help you to get started is to keep a past lives journal. This is where you can write down your emotions and thoughts, even the most trivial which seem to be out of place with the experiences which have shaped you as a person in your present lifetime. Some of the things which seem to be of particular importance to many include fears of or attractions to specific places and things, whether or not you have ever been there or seen them for yourself; at least in this lifetime. Your journal can help you to start drawing connections and piecing together the puzzle of a past life or lives.

A past lives journal could begin as a list of things you like and do not like, fears, favorite foods, places and other cultural details. You should also note any predispositions and talents you may have - anything which says something about who you are may turn out to be important as you decipher the clues to your past lives.

Your dreams may also contain some clues to your past lives - be sure to take notes on anything from your dreams which seem to belong to a previous life. However, you should keep in mind that much of the content of your dreams will come from the present.

Or you could try past life regression.

You may have to go see an experienced past life regression therapist. These therapists are skilled in taking you through a regression step by step and then helping you to interpret what you have gathered from this experience. To accomplish this, the therapist will use hypnosis. However, self hypnosis may also be an option.

Meditation is another technique which is used to learn about past lives.

For a lot of people, it is hard to induce a past life regression experience using meditation. We are often skeptical of what we receive during these experiences; but in order to make the most of your regression, you have to learn to trust your instincts and to listen to yourself.

While meditating, useful information about your past lives can come to you. You should write down everything which you experience during your meditation; this will help you to figure out which of these pieces may be tied to a former life.

Those who have some difficulty meditating often find aids including visual focal points, incense or relaxing music or sounds to be helpful. There are guided meditation tapes you can try as well as recordings of relaxing natural soundscapes.

Binaural beats are something else you can try.

Binaural beats are an audio technology which uses certain frequencies to attune your brainwaves to achieve a deep state of meditation in a short time. Whether you choose this or another aid to your meditations, you do need to select a quiet place to meditate which is free of distractions. Lie down or sit and get comfortable, keeping your thoughts positive as you relax your body.

You need to relax your muscles and clear your mind. When one of those thoughts of your everyday concerns comes through, simply acknowledge it and move on. It may take several tries before you can successfully meditate, but you will get there - and the answers to your questions about past lives may start coming to you.

Past life regression can even help you to cope with problems in your present life as well as give you information about the past. Some even learn that they have known the people they know now in a past life.

Reincarnation in some form or another is a part of many religious traditions. Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs all believe in the concept of Karma. To put this concept into the simplest possible terms, it is the principle that the actions you take in your present life determine the circumstances of your next life. Knowing more about your past lives can help you to live a better life in the present.

As with meditation, you need to approach past life regression with an open mind. You have to accept this as something which really can work for you and be able to accept the information which comes to you about a past life. You can learn from the mistakes of the past and ensure that your current life follows a better course.

There are many who hold the opinion that a regression through a past life can help to free you of mental blocks and improve your mental health and your outlook on life.

Once you are able to face up to mistakes you may have made in a past life, you have the opportunity to avoid repeating these mistakes. This information can help you to improve your life and make your world a better place.

You may also discover latent talents which you had not suspected that you possessed. For example, you may learn that you were an accomplished violinist in a past life; and upon giving it a try, you find you have a natural aptitude for the instrument! This is the sort of experience which can really enrich your life.

Past life regression offers a number of benefits to anyone who is willing to listen to what their own personal history has to tell them. As long as you approach it with an open mind, the results can be impressive. - 30535

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Get Motivated By Appreciating Your Freedom

By Shawn Doyle

We live in a free society, so its kind of funny to even talk about freedom. We have it, while many others just dont.

We, as citizens of a free society, are often not free.

There are many people I meet who are unhappy but do nothing in their apathy. They moan and complain and grit their teeth because they arent free. They dont get that they already have freedom of choice. They could end the realtionship or get counseling. But the do nothing, nada, and they become slaves to themselves but they dont understand that. Freedom is such a short distance away.

I know people who hate their jobs, but will not make changes because they fear change or just dont think that they can do better. They do have a choice and can change their work and career if they choose to. But they make the wrong choice. Sad but true.

I know people who tolerate cruelty and mistreatment by family and so-called friends. They tolerate it for years, because they dont think that they have the right to demand respectful treatment. They put up with the negative behavior.

I know people just stuck in a giant circular rut because of the past and the present and the maybe the future. They blindly accept it and they dont know how to end it.

I want you to please realize and think about that we have the right to choose freedom, but we must decide. We have been given a great gift and it is up to us to take advantge of that gift. Now , today right away.

We can all completely reinvent ourselves in our mind, body, in our wallet and in our spirit. A banker can be a biker if they want to. A bouncer can be a banker if they wnat to So then a ballet dancer can be a bouncer if they want to. A bouncer can be a bowler if they want to. If you think about it, freedom is the centerpeice of our true happiness or can be. We really can choose and exert our right and do what we really want. So freedom and the ability to choose is beautiful. - 30535

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When To End A Relationship

If you’re wondering when to end a relationship, then you’re faced with a hard decision. After you’ve invested time with another person, it’s never easy to say goodbye. This is true if you’ve been together 3 months, 3 years, or more. But sometimes learning when to end your relationship is the best thing you can do for both of you.
If you really love the person you’re with, you might wonder when to end a relationship and why. You might think that just because you love him or her, you should stay and work things out. And very often it is worth a try.
Many people give up on their relationships before they’ve really tried to fix them. Because it’s difficult, they throw in the towel instead of working on their problems. This is unfortunate, because many people could probably be happy together if only they weren’t afraid to try.
And other people have problem after problem and keeping working hard when most people think they should just give up. It’s as if these people are gluttons for punishment. Their partner keeps cheating on them and they keep taking him back. Or their partner keeps making other mistakes and letting them down.
It seems they don’t know when to end a relationship. But usually it’s that they’re simply afraid of being alone and moving on.
There are obvious situations that should tell you when to end a relationship. If your partner is abusive, it’s time to get out, no excuses. If you don’t feel safe, even down to feeling like you’ll have something to eat and be secure, then you should move on.
Other things are less sure. If your partner has cheated, for instance, does that always mean it’s time to leave? Some people can get past one mistake like that. They sometimes end up with a stronger relationship after the affair.
But more often they really never get past the betrayal. Even if it never happens again, the one who was cheated on can’t let go of the hurt. And the one who cheated will eventually get tired of the suspicion and guilt.
If there has been cheating in your relationship, it’s not easy to decide if it should end. You should really talk about everything involved. From trust to fear of it happening again, it should all be put on the table in an honest discussion.
How about if you feel like cheating? If you have a really strong desire to be with someone else, should you end it? These types of feelings are natural. You can even have fantasies about other people. But if you’re constantly thinking that you’d be better of with someone else, maybe you really would be.
If you love your partner and you’ve tried different ways of working it out, step back. How have you really tried?  For how long? When to end a relationship isn’t always easy to see, but if you know you’ve done everything and it’s still not working, it may be time to go.
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The Best Relationship Quotes I Know

I love reading relationship quotes and today I thought I would share a couple of my favorite ones with you. Where possible, proper credit has been given to the person who wrote or spoke the original quote. However in some cases that may not have been possible.
You know love funny quotes as I believe humour is a key ingredient in a great relationship. Some of the funny ones I like are:
"What can you say to a man who has just had sex?  Anything you like as he is asleep".
Or for those male readers - "what is the difference between a terrorist and a woman with PMS?" "You can negotiate with a terrorist!"
Joking aside, this quote credited to Leo Buscaglia should be in all couple’s homes. 
“Too often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around”.
As most of us know it is the little things in a relationship that can cause it to fail or blossom. It is easy to blame the other person in our relationship for our dissatisfaction but as Martha Washington said “I have learned from experience that a greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.”
Some relationship quotations are beautiful and sad at the same time.  Such as the one from William Somerset Maugham (an English Writer) on unrequited love being "The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned."
While I dont think Colin Powell was talking about relationships when he said "None of us can change our yesterdays, but we can all change our tomorrows", it is one that we could all do with remembering. Too often we waste time and energy holding grudges against our partners for something they did in the past. It is too late to change it now so let it go once and for all. So long as it isnt a pattern of repeated behaviour it doesnt do anyone any good to remember it.
"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much " Helen Keller. This lady was my idol when I was growing up. Despite being born blind and mute she achieved so much more than the rest of us often do. I believe that being part of a couple and then a family gives us the chance to be so much more. We need to appreciate the gifts we have. Our relationships would be a lot happier if we said thank you and I love you just a little more often.
As Mother Theresa is quoted as saying "There is more hunger for love and appreciation in the world today than for bread".  Make sure your loved one knows how much you love and appreciate them today, to avoid a day when you wished you had listened to the relationship quotes.
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My Boyfriend Dumped Me What To Do Next

If youre thinking, "My boyfriend dumped me. Now what do I do?" youre not alone. Millions of people have been in the same position you are right now. Things do get better, whether you get back together with your boyfriend or not. But if youre despairing, "My boyfriend dumped me!" then you need to have a good cry and then get yourself together.

You probably want to get your ex back. While there are no guarantees that youll be able to get back together, there are some things you can do that will help. The first thing is to realize that people get dumped every day for a number of different reasons. And the one you think caused your breakup might not be the real reason.

You have stop assuming and stop telling people, "My boyfriend dumped me because of—“, fill in the blank, if youre not exactly sure thats why he dumped you. How do you know for sure why you were dumped? You have to ask, if you really want to know.

Be sure and only ask if you think you can take the truth, though. If asking could cause him to tell you something that youve suspected but have been in denial about, for instance, will it cause you more pain to find out than to not know? Maybe you should just let the past stay there, and work on the future, in that case.
But if you need to know—and you might if you really want to work things out—then youll have to ask. Try not arguing with the answer you get when you ask. Just accept that "my boyfriend dumped me because of this," and move on.

The next step is to simply ask if he thinks theres a chance. If the reason he broke up with you is something you believe you can fix, then you should make that clear to him. Let him know youre willing to work on these things because you believe that you have something special and you want to make it work
It might really be hard to do these things. Being dumped hurts. But if you want to get back together and make your relationship work, then there has to be honest communication going on between you. And the worst thing that can happen is that things arent going to work out.

If thats the case and theres no chance of you getting back together despite any efforts you might put forth, then at least you made the effort and probably learned something about yourself.

Examine the reasons he broke up with you and you might decide that its not really a bad thing. Even if you know youre better off, it feels crummy to get dumped. Be nice to yourself and treat yourself to a facial or a pedicure.

And try to remember that "My boyfriend dumped me!" is something that many others have had to deal with, and they made things work out, so you can too.
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Useful Online Dating Advice

By Jackie Green

My online dating career has been an on and off one, depending upon where Im at with my relationships. However, Ive always found it to be a trusty source of dates that I return to whenever Ive needed to. Ive found more success over the years, thanks to some strategies that I never kept in mind to begin with.

First of all, its critical that your profile stands out from the rest of them. Too many people simply blend in, and doing that gets them nowhere. Youll want to seem different from the rest, as different is great when it comes to this stuff.

Unless youre extraordinarily good looking, theres a good chance that youll get contacted by nowhere near as many people as youre capable of if you keep things generic. You absolutely must do everything you can to make your profile interesting.

Stay away from the cliche phrases that you see in so many profiles that you read, and do something different. If yours looks like the rest, someone may read about you for a few seconds before moving on, as theyll see you as a dime a dozen when it comes down to it.

Pay just as much attention to your picture selection too. Dont simply include a portrait or two and a Halloween picture. It seems like everyone does this, and the more of a variety of pictures youre able to present, the more interesting youll come across as.

You want to come across as someone who does many different things. In doing so, your potential dates will associate you with an exciting lifestyle that they want to be a part of.

Make your profile description sound personalized too. You want your readers to feel as if youre writing specifically for them, as if your presence online was created for them. Youll be much more likely to be contacted this way.

These are all simple tips, but theyre pieces of advice that way too many people overlook. The good news is that they can all be fixed within a matter of minutes. - 30535

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