Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How to talk to your ex girlfriend

Everything started for me in this very forum. I cannot appreciate all the good literature I came into contact here, especially from Savoy, Braddock ... the Beatrice post ... the Ex-girlfriend post ... "how to recuperate after fighting with a girlfriend post" etc

Everything started for me here and thats why I love it here. And Im so proud and thankful that I did very well with my ex-girlfriends.

I didnt get laid. If you are judging everything through if Im getting laid or not, I must be a failure. But Im really happy because I handled myself with confidence and poise.

Theres two ex-girlfriends on my college campus. I hadnt talked to them for over 8,9 months because I was away from college on an exchange program to Japan. So when I came back to campus, I was a little nervous. Yes, I had learned a lot of new stuff about attraction but wouldnt I change back into that needy, stupid little AFC that I was when I was with them??


Ex#1 is a HB8.0. I came across her one weekend at a club on campus. I was having a blast at the club like I always do and caught her kinda looking bored and with a couple friends standing around the dance floor. I approached her with energy and excitement.

Me: Hey!! HB!! Long time no see right!?
Ex#1: (smiles) ohh hey!!! yeah long time no see!
Me: I didnt expect to see you here. You look good!
Ex#1: haha thanks! you too!
Me: oh you know me! I always look good! Lets dance! (grab her hand)
Ex#1: ohh ok!! (giggles)

I tear apart on dance floor with energy so I was just making her laugh the whole time and she started grinding on me. I was like "shit where did you learn that!" haha .. the thing is, when we broke up, i was really immature and needy so I didnt expect to talk to her ever again because she was pretty disgusted and disappointed in me. But not seeing each other for almost a year and me coming in with NO AWKWARDNESS and just energy and confidence is what changed our interaction. I told her later "hey lets get dinner together later!" and she was like "sure!" and we met up for dinner a couple weeks later.

She was kinda being a bratty little bitch at the dinner. I mean, my humor is great so I made her laugh a few times but she wasnt being very good company. HAHA what was the most fun was when she said "You developed a different persona since you came back from your study-abroad in Japan and Im not the only one who thinks that!!" I was like HAHAHAHA and then she was like "yeah you are all big-headed now ... like a tool! or a .. a douchebag!!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA AWESOME

Whatever. I made fun of her, pushed her around a little bit, made jokes about her still being a virgin. She was like "I mean, yeah, but I feel bad for girls who have sex all the time. Im saving it up for somebody special and ... and If I were a guy, I wouldnt like a girl whos fucked 3,4 guys before her anyways! Im so much better than them" I was like "HAHA WTF? I dont fucking care about that. Who cares? A girls sexual experience has nothing to do with me. If she is cool, fits with my personality and good at sex, what more can I ask??" she started getting pissed after that so I just kept making fun of her more and I just had a blast. She was pissy at first but started laughing later in the night. We said goodbye and I dont expect to see her around that much. I realized how much I had grown from the last time I was with her, how nervous I was when talking to her during dinner ... hahaha ... the funny thing is, while I was walking home with her, I realized how not-that-attractive-than-I-used-to-think-so she was. She looked shorter, less pretty than I used to imagine her. Huh, funny that. Eh, I can do better.

Ex #2. She was my beatrice. Physically she is only a 7 but she understands my humor better than anybody.

When you meet your ex-girlfriend for the 1st time in a long time, you have a choice. You can either make it extra-awkward by being shy, self-conscious or needy and desperate or something along those lines. WTF? Why? I would rather make her miss me by making her think about how happy and cool and funny i was when I was with her! Thats what I did.

We had such a great dinner together. Whenever I say something funny, it hits with her all the time. We just started joking around as soon as we met at night and at the end, we were shoving each other, hitting each other, laughing, singing ...

The point is not to try-hard but just be yourself and free and funny. Why would this be hard? you did it with her when you were having a relationship together right?

I told her at the end of the night "looks like you are happy with a new boyfriend and Im happy for you. I dont plan to show up often in your life. But I dont like burning bridges. If you ever want to talk to me again, let me know" she smiled and said "you too ... I had a good time. I will call you"

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