Saturday, April 23, 2016

What To Do When You Miss Your Ex

Do you miss your ex?  Are you having trouble moving on?  Here are seven strategies to pursue when you miss your ex.
1. Decide that it is over.  As long as you think there is a chance to get back together, you will continue to experience feelings of missing your ex girlfriend or boyfriend.  If you practice strategies like texting or phoning them trying to catch them off guard, you will continue to keep the feelings alive.  When you miss your ex, try one of the other strategies presented here.
2. Get rid of all of their stuff.  Do an exchange where you give them their stuff and they give you yours.  Don’t hold on to physical items for sentimental reasons, it will just remind you of how much you miss your ex.  If there are small things that you don’t give back (such as a tooth brush or a comb) throw them away.  You don’t need the constant reminders.
3. Write them a letter – then burn it.  One reason why you continue to miss your ex is because you haven’t gotten them out of your system.  So, write a letter pouring out all of your feelings about the relationship and the break up.  When you have released your emotions, then get rid of the letter.  There is something emotionally satisfying about watching your words go up in smoke.
4. Reconnect with your friends.  Sometimes when you get in a hot and heavy relationship, your ties to friends and even family wither.  If this is the case, reconnect with your friends.  Redevelop relationships that you have let simmer.  Your friends and family love you even if your ex doesn’t anymore.
5. Make new friends.  One of the reasons you miss your ex is because he or she took up so much of your time.  Now, in addition to the intense emotional void you are feeling, you have time on your hands.  Fill that time with new activities or interests.  Take a class at the local university’s extension program.  Learn to do the tango.  Join a co-ed softball team.  Volunteer to clean up the park through an environmental program.  When you keep busy, you will find that closing the time void also helps you close the emotional void.
6. Get a pet.  A dog, cat, or other pet can help you reconnect to what is real.  A pet needs your attention and love.  A pet can also give you love.  When you miss your ex, you can reach out for a pet who loves you.
7. Start dating other people.  The world moves on.  There are lots of other fish in the sea.  Once you reconnect with your friends, start new activities, and even start to walk the dog, you will begin to see all of the opportunities you have with the opposite sex.  Don’t worry that a first date has to lead to a complicated relationship when you are not ready for one.  Just go out and enjoy yourself.  Soon, you will stop feeling that you miss your ex so much.
Follow these seven steps and you will soon find that you are not saying you miss your ex at all!

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