Monday, May 9, 2016

How to deliver Hypnosis

By Simon Westlake

When you look at the whole subject of hypnosis/NLP Linguistics, there are some very important and useful techniques that start to form the framework.These techniques are extremely helpful when using hypnosis on a perspective client.

As you start to integrate these techniques into your behaviour you find in many cases that these skills become extremely natural within your delivery.Sometimes people talk about controlling others this is often percieved as negative influence and I have to say that is not what Hypnosis/NLP are used for in most cases.

Most people are not aware that many politicians, Marketing executives, public and motivational speakers and counselors use these techniques in order to facilitate positive change in clients, audiences and customers.

#1 - Rapport

In this Covert Hypnosis technique, you try to establish rapport with your subject, making him feel at ease in your presence, making him loosen up and speak to you. It is all about making the person feel free with you and in the process influencing him to lower his guard so that you can work your way into his subconscious. However mesmerizing a total stranger is different from influencing a friend with whom you already share a good rapport. Whenever you try to be too friendly, people judge you suspiciously.
If you are a beginner, you have to make use of your powers of observation to watch and take in the details of your subjects and their behavior and body language. A good hypnosis course will teach you how to get a happy marriage between being too friendly and not friendly enough so you can get your subject to put down their "guard".

Using Language

Again in NLP one of the first things we learn to ensure that we are able to take on board the entire NLP framework of influence is Linguistics.The effectiveness of this method will rest on how skillfully and subtly you can include your motives and intentions in your conversation. For example instead of saying "will you try to clean the backyard", ask firmly, "when are you going to clean the backyard?" This way, they wont be able to turn you down!. In NLP terms there is also the Double Bind which is similar to the above where you create a perception lingustically that there is only two options and you then ask the other person to choose which want they would like to do. Do you want to clean your bedroom now or in twenty minutes?

The Power Of Suggestion

Many people are actually afraid or deeply mis-trusting of any sort of change. However, when you can make them break out of routine, they get off balance. Bring people out of their comfort zones, and see them cling desperately to whatever is known to them. In short make people feel lost and then suggest to them your ideas at the opportune moment. People will be more receptive then. This is the effectiveness of the power of suggestion.It is true to say that Hypnosis is completely based upon the technique of inserting covert suggestions to the clients un-conscious mind.

These are some basics but from just knowing these it is clear to see that covert hypnosis can be broken down into a blueprint that you can use to ready a subject effectively and cleverly make suggestions. With the right training anyone can access the power of influence and many professionals in a variety of fields (not just sales) are adding conversational hypnosis to their toolbox of essential skills. It is not just the language of hypnosis - it is the language of successful speakers everywhere! - 30535

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