We are learning from information on Brain Sciences and Quantum Physics that all we are is pure potential. And although the possibility of all potential is a gift weve been given, we often twist the possibilities against ourselves. According to our energetic impulses, our thought waves, we also tap into the Pure Potential of the Universal Mind from which all things spring. The outcome of all of this will be either pleasurable or not depending on the grade of thought and its emotional strength; and all of this set in motion by the Universal Laws of Attraction and Connectivity of all things.
When we experience emotion, part of our body mind, the hypothalamus matches the emotional state and sends out peptides through the pituitary gland which seek to connect or link to docking points on cells in our body. Similar thinking day after day which has the same feelings or emotions attached to it will find more than enough locking docks on cells to support that thinking. And whether those emotional responses net you good results or less than desirable results makes no difference. Frankly, if you dont like the results youre getting in life from your emotional responses, its up to you to break the patterns.
Familiar triggers and emotions create patterns and habits because people tend to relate certain actions, people, places and experiences with strong feelings. This in turn sets up predictable behaviors because some things feel good and some feel bad. People generally go for the better or familiar feeling even if this doesnt net them the best results.
In brief it feels easier to do the same things, even if they dont bring the best results because our neurological network gets wired for certain responses. And, although every human is limitless, most function at a very limited level because it feels normal or right to them. Daily behavior, then, becomes what a person believes to be true about them; and, it will continue to be true for them. Patterns of thinking also set up an agreement with the Greater Universal Mind that this is what we expect to be true for us.
The Universe, Source, is very neutral and non-judgmental, it only responds in support of our thinking and our decisions. It will always send to us the perfect people, circumstances and materials to support our decisions and emotions. These are said to be triggers in our lives. When they appear we most likely respond. Can we shift our response? Most definitely we can always change our neurological response by consciously shifting how we observe any situation.
Depending on the habitual pattern, the thing that keeps happening, our job to break the habit is to replace one thing for another which will produce a more desirable outcome. In other words, if we can understand a behavior that produces a painful outcome, then we can use a reprogramming technique such as Sedona Method, TFT and EFT, Breath work with Journaling or EMDR to shift the energy around patterns of behavior. It requires effort and continual vigilance for a full 30 " 40 days. That helps the neural network to send a new message for new behaviors. Thats how long it takes to break a neurological response pattern, a habit. Your intention is everything.
It is good to remember that in breaking old ways of Being we are breaking neurological responses. New neural pathways are created as old chemical responses no longer felt. Universal support is also there for us. Because of the Laws of Connectivity and Attraction the Greater Sea of All Potential is right there to support our efforts.
To get new results and create new ways things happen in your life begin thinking new thoughts about yourself. Shift your perspective as your own life Observer. Shift the energy around the situation and keep doing the process until you start getting the results you hope for. In that way you claim more of who you really are. As always support is a key in shifting patterns and remembering the goodness you truly are in the process.
Create Joy and Everything Good Will Follow, Ellen Valentine, CNC - 30535
When we experience emotion, part of our body mind, the hypothalamus matches the emotional state and sends out peptides through the pituitary gland which seek to connect or link to docking points on cells in our body. Similar thinking day after day which has the same feelings or emotions attached to it will find more than enough locking docks on cells to support that thinking. And whether those emotional responses net you good results or less than desirable results makes no difference. Frankly, if you dont like the results youre getting in life from your emotional responses, its up to you to break the patterns.
Familiar triggers and emotions create patterns and habits because people tend to relate certain actions, people, places and experiences with strong feelings. This in turn sets up predictable behaviors because some things feel good and some feel bad. People generally go for the better or familiar feeling even if this doesnt net them the best results.
In brief it feels easier to do the same things, even if they dont bring the best results because our neurological network gets wired for certain responses. And, although every human is limitless, most function at a very limited level because it feels normal or right to them. Daily behavior, then, becomes what a person believes to be true about them; and, it will continue to be true for them. Patterns of thinking also set up an agreement with the Greater Universal Mind that this is what we expect to be true for us.
The Universe, Source, is very neutral and non-judgmental, it only responds in support of our thinking and our decisions. It will always send to us the perfect people, circumstances and materials to support our decisions and emotions. These are said to be triggers in our lives. When they appear we most likely respond. Can we shift our response? Most definitely we can always change our neurological response by consciously shifting how we observe any situation.
Depending on the habitual pattern, the thing that keeps happening, our job to break the habit is to replace one thing for another which will produce a more desirable outcome. In other words, if we can understand a behavior that produces a painful outcome, then we can use a reprogramming technique such as Sedona Method, TFT and EFT, Breath work with Journaling or EMDR to shift the energy around patterns of behavior. It requires effort and continual vigilance for a full 30 " 40 days. That helps the neural network to send a new message for new behaviors. Thats how long it takes to break a neurological response pattern, a habit. Your intention is everything.
It is good to remember that in breaking old ways of Being we are breaking neurological responses. New neural pathways are created as old chemical responses no longer felt. Universal support is also there for us. Because of the Laws of Connectivity and Attraction the Greater Sea of All Potential is right there to support our efforts.
To get new results and create new ways things happen in your life begin thinking new thoughts about yourself. Shift your perspective as your own life Observer. Shift the energy around the situation and keep doing the process until you start getting the results you hope for. In that way you claim more of who you really are. As always support is a key in shifting patterns and remembering the goodness you truly are in the process.
Create Joy and Everything Good Will Follow, Ellen Valentine, CNC - 30535
About the Author:
Ellen Valentine is a Life Coach and Entrpreneur in Sacramento, CA. Her passion is teaching the priciples of change and reconstruction and watching people succeed in life. making small changes creates success and Ultimate Wellness Coaching for Wholeness
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