Tuesday, May 17, 2016

By Jan West

Weve all seen it, so many so-called therapists peddling their cures for social anxiety disorder. Yet what are the chances of a real cure? Downloading file after file of expensive miracle cures adds to the cloak of mystery shrouding what in fairness is just some means to extract money from you. Oh hang on, what about all those free bonuses that come with this instant tranquillity... they are all packages designed to whet your appetite, but in reality they are all bulking agents to make you feel you have got something for your money.

They start off by luring you in with some kitschy sales talk, laying it on thick, then after the premise of a cure they move on to the price. Starting at an overstated price, and then slowly coming down in price, even offering you useless add-ons for free, which you will never ever use! Well, I suppose they have to make you feel comfortable and get those endorphins zapping about inside of your head. That is when you are hooked on what is a supposed cure for panic attacks and they have your money for something that is completely ineffective.

Examined in the cold light of day these downloads, MP3s or instructions are not worth the media they came in or on. Oh yes, they also tempt you to subscribe to other useless so-called special one off offers that will expire within 24-hours or so if you dont act fast. The industry supplying these overly priced fixes really go to town in throwing the hard sell at you, and many buyers fall hook, line and sinker for the ploys used. So do be careful what you buy when it comes to fixing your social anxiety disorder or you may well succumb to another social anxiety attack.

Former therapist and now global best-selling writer Stephen Richards adds comment by saying, "Most of these products on offer to cure social anxiety are nothing more than snake oil pitches, just made to entice the weak willed and unwary into buying useless products. These goods do little more than mask the problem for a short while, not targeting the actual areas in the mind that are in need of retraining. Basically it is all a waste of money."

Stopping a panic attack in a fast way while being gripped by one is not quite as easy as some might claim. Why wait until you are in the grip of fear before applying such a cure? These so-called therapists are just reaping the rewards from your fear. Any decent therapist would, from the outset, be changing the very areas of your mind that set these attacks in motion. One method on offer unrealistically guarantees a100% success rate, and yet in the same jargon it intimates that, well, it is not exactly a 100% fix rate! Very cleaver!

Look at it this way, if you are immersed over prolonged periods in the very act of ridding yourself of social anxiety disorder then that in itself will protract the very thing you are trying to resolve. The very same panic attack you want to avoid will manifest itself at the least expected time. This could be in the form of chest tightness, increased heart rate, dizziness, uncontrolled sweating, shortness of breath, headaches, obsessive thoughts and more.

In the way these cure all products are pushed at you and in such quantity it is no wonder the amount of panic attacks is on the increase. By virtue of the amount of products out there it is easy to be caught up into thinking that it is a fashion to actually have such a disorder.

With some of the methods on offer, that supposedly cure panic attacks, you could actually fill a shoe box up with the paraphernalia that goes with it. The real situation is that medication, relaxation exercises, hypnotherapy, psychiatry or other such treatments are not the solution to anxiety and panic attacks. Yet some audio CDs use what is called embedded subliminals, these go below the level of your conscious awareness.

By all means, use such subliminal CDs, but they are only good if you get to hear all what is said, because if your subconscious mind misses a few words then it could pick up only some of what is meant, and then it all goes wrong! Then there are the hypnotherapy CDs, but one hypnotherapy CD cannot do what would in real life take anything from 10-24 hypnotherapy sessions to achieve. What about those multipacks of MP3s you can download, surely they must do something? Well to some degree they do help clog your computer with useless files that you might actually listen to one day, when you get around to it. However, now there is a real alternative! Yes, a real inexpensive alternative that actually works!

Forget self-hypnosis, cognitive hypnotherapy and listening to subliminal messaging. The real leap forward in fixing social anxiety disorder is indeed quite uncomplicated. Just imagine listening to one audio track for 20 minutes and then seeing immediate results! This is exactly what happens to most when they use the "Releasing You From Social Anxiety CD", which was designed and developed by best selling author and self-help guru Stephen Richards. There is absolutely no subliminal messaging or hypnosis used, as all of that has been dumped by the wayside as worthless in helping to fix social anxiety disorder.

During therapy sessions with private clients Stephen Richards has had massive breakthroughs when it comes to helping others overcome panic attacks. He developed a system that would do away with expensive and wasteful downloads. Downloads that were and are very costly. He has done away with any form of hypnosis whatsoever. His "Releasing You From You From Social Anxiety CD" uses technology which targets the exact area in need of help.

Stephen Richards has developed a method to help overcome social anxiety disorder that is so simple. Just one 20 minute session can do what others claim to do in tens of hours. One other criterion he stipulated was that it had to be inexpensive so that anyone could afford it. After working on this project and fine tuning it, Stephen Richards was happy to proceed to the stage of where it became available to the public for less than the cost of a film DVD.

The method developed by Stephen Richards for overcoming social anxiety disorder is one of simplicity, far less complicated or time consuming than anything you will find on the market today. Where other modicums of therapy take weeks and weeks to achieve results, this can be achieved in just one 20 minute session of the "Releasing You From Social Anxiety CD"! Surely these claims are somewhat exaggerated? Well, if you are aware of how Stephen Richards works then you will know that unless he is 100% happy with anything then he will not make it available to the public, simple as that. He has even pulled products from being sold because he felt they were either not up to standard or too advanced. And now knowing you have someone on your side it should make you more confident to be able to tackle panic attacks head on and in a no-holds barred way. After infinite development, the "Releasing You From Social Anxiety CD" is the answer to many social phobics prayers.

Stephen Richards says, "I was absolutely dismayed at the way some unscrupulous sellers purvey their social anxiety cures. They are just a sham and exploiting the weakness of those in need. They drag out the treatments in the hope of more expensive sessions to follow. I believe in a fix that is inexpensive and also a one that is transparent in what it does. - 30535

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