Monday, May 9, 2016

How to be nice to your ex girlfriend

How to be nice to your girlfriend may be a question that is uppermost in your mind. It is strange how even the simplest of ideas sometimes becomes difficult when you are in a relationship. You may really have been trying to figure out some nice things to say to your girlfriend.

For many young men, it is quite a perplexing thing when it comes to figuring out how to be nice to their girlfriends. After all, men and women do think differently. Even the process of how their brains function is different. Women seem to be able to cross from the right side of the brain to the left, and back, much more frequently than men. No matter how much we try, it seems that we can be misunderstood.

Really, I think I understand you, and what you want is information on what it takes to be nice to your girlfriend. If you are in a serious relationship, you want to be able to tell her how you feel. Not only that, you also want to show her how you feel.

Here are some things that may help you if you want to learn how to be nice to your girlfriend in a way that she will really appreciate.

1. Realize that she does not have to be with you.

A good way to start is to understand that she does not have to be with you. I dont mean to sound uncaring, but the simple fact is that she is not really required to be with you in any way. Since neither of you have made the commitment of marriage, she could get out of the relationship at any time, and she would be perfectly within her rights to do so. This fact is not meant to alarm you or cause you to be in constant fear of her leaving, but it really should remind you of have valuable a creature she is.

2. Be sure to express the fact that you value her.

If you have not made the mistake of forgetting about her value or taking her for granted, you may probably still be wondering, "How can I genuinely be nice to her in a way that she will appreciate. In order to do that, you need to study her. Find out what kinds of things or actions she likes. You also need to know what kinds of things she responds to when it comes to affection. One popular writer has said that there are five types of love languages. You may think that saying, "I love you will be sufficient," especially if your love language is words. However, if her love language is "acts of service," she will respond better to you doing something nice for her. She may also respond better to physical touch than to words. Just knowing these things well help you very much when you attempt to be nice to her.

You can see from these ideas that it often is not only important to figure out nice things to say to your girlfriend, but it is also important to figure out nice things to do for your girlfriend.

Two things that will help, regardless of what her love language is, are showing respect to her, and listening. You probably can understand the respect issue, since for many men it is even more important to feel respected than to have romance feelings associated with affection. Actually, affection and respect are important to both husbands and wives and boyfriends and girlfriends--just their priorities are different. If you have been treating her with little respect, however, no matter what else you do, you will be likely to fail.

3. Learn to listen to her.

Sometimes men have a hard time of following the thought patterns of women; however, if you will pack your bags and go on the journey of conversation with her, that action will pay great dividends in your relationship.

4. Treat her like you would like to be treated.

Another thing you can do is to think about how you have been treating her. Would you appreciate it if she treated you in the same way? Perhaps if you have made some light-hearted comments, she has taken them seriously. Would you appreciate it if your jokes were said by her, but you didnt understand that she was joking.

5. Make a study of successful relationship techniques.

When you want to learn how to be nice to your girlfriend, you will do well to study the techniques that make for successful marriages, since that is the ultimate boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.

Maybe you just need to have a frank discussion. Explain that you are really trying to be nice to her. Explain where you have felt misunderstood. Good communication goes a long way in any relationship.
In trying to figure out how to be nice to your girlfriend, you have seen that it is important not only to figure out nice things to say to your girlfriend, but it is also important to figure out nice things to do for your girlfriend as well. If you need to get back together, these steps will help you as well.

If ;you take these five steps, you may have your problem of how to be nice to your girlfriend solved more quickly than you thought was even possible.

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