Tuesday, May 10, 2016

How to get rid of a crazy ex girlfriend

Oh yes, you know who I am talking about...
Those insane ex girlfriends who were dumped weeks, months, or even well over a year ago who refuse to accept that things are O-V-E-R because, well...
"Its not over UNTIL I SAY ITS OVER!!!!" *locusts burst out of chest, clouds darken* - its the beginning of the apocalypse.


I feel like you would know whether or not you have a crazy ex, but if for some bizarre reason youre blissfully unaware, let me spell it out for you.

You know you have a crazy ex-girlfriend when...

1) You receive anonymous phone calls before bed and hear some exorcist-style, shaky breathing on the other line, but never any voices. On occasion, you may hear some low whispers... that would be the sound of desperation in the form of a love spell, or voodoo that they learned at the creepy corner store in your small town. Either way, now would be the time to hang up the phone and close your blinds because if shes not sitting in the tree outside your window watching you yet, she will be soon.

2) Your facebook, hotmail, myspace, etc. are constantly being hacked and you have to log on, fill out your "not-so-secret-anymore" information and change your password again and AGAIN. Yup, that would be her... she wants to know who youre talking to, why youre talking to them, and if she has any other girls she needs to worry about.

3) Every time you go to bed you smell her perfume on your pillow. At this point, youre either paranoid from all of the outside-your-window-tree-stalking that shes been doing, or shes been sneaking into your room, rolling around on your bed and hoping that her scent will lead you back to her.

Now would be the time to file a police report...
Follow this step-by-step guide on how to rid yourself of her insane antics:

1) Be polite, yet firm. If this girl is as crazy as you think she is, its likely that she will not listen to reason. However, you need to explain to her why you think that the relationship cant work. Assure her that you dont want to be with a person who you dont love and that she doesnt want to be with a person who cant love her "the way she deserves." Even if that is a bunch of BS, consider the fact that you once cared for this girl... and as much as you want to bash her in the face with a shovel and tell her to find someone else to stalk - you cant.

2) Some girls cant take the hint. Some girls cant take the let-me-spell-it-out-for-you-I-dont-care-about-you-and-I-never-will approach either... they just wont accept things. AVOID HER - avoid her at all costs. Clearly she lacks self control (and stability), so being around your sexy self will only draw her to you more. If you are at a party and she shows up (which she clearly planned BY THE WAY) - DO NOT talk to her. If she talks to you, give short, yet polite, one word answers and walk away and talk to other people. If she begins making a scene... and by scene I mean shes sobbing in the corner, screaming your name, or throwing things - that would be your cue to leave.

3) If she continues showing up at your house, or your work unannounced - now would be the time to stand your ground. Do not tell her that youre better off alone, yet continue making plans with her. Do not tell her that you need some distance between the two of you for a while and continue to talk to her on a daily, or weekly basis. Do not tell her that you want to see other people and continue to hook up with her. DID YOU HEAR THAT LAST ONE? DO NOT, BY ANY MEANS, CONTINUE TO HOOK UP WITH YOUR CRAZY EX. Believe it or not... she will continue to obsess over you and will fool herself into believing that the two of you may, POSSIBLY, get back together. SHE will cling to that slight chance like its her JOB. If you continue to hook up with this girl - YOU are bringing this problem upon yourself. BE STRONG and if you cant keep it in your pantaloons - buy some lotion, or get a hobby.

4) If she is friends with any of your friends... be aware of the fact that she is likely talking to them and asking them what youre up to in that ever-so-subtle way of hers. THIS WILL NOT DO AT ALL! Tell your friends not to divulge any personal, or secret things going on in your life to this girl. If she knows what, or who youre doing - there will be trouble... "I wanna wear your skin to my birthday party" kind of trouble.

5) If you begin seeing someone else... its likely that your crazy ex-girlfriend already knows about it via her mad stalking skills. Do not share information about your new girlfriend with your ex, such as where she works, lives, or your plans for the upcoming weekend. Depending on how crazy your ex is, you could be placing your new gal in danger. Its not her business who youre dating, or why youre dating them.
**Keep in mind that it is not a very good idea to divulge that you are dating someone new too soon after a breakup - it would be best to keep things on the down low for a little while if your relationship just ended.**

6) Be consistent with what you are saying and doing. Do not give your ex-girlfriend hugs, hold her hand, talk to her constantly, tell her you miss her, etc. UNLESS you are planning on getting back together with her. With that being said, weve already established that shes crazy, so... I guess its your funeral.

**** If you are planning on establishing a friendly relationship with this person, explain WHY you cannot talk to her for a while and why you need space - be upfront with her. If you disappear suddenly without telling her - she will think youre a jerk and will not want to be friends with you. Be courteous and tell her that youre going to be disappearing for a while and that you would like to be friends after youve had some time to deal with things.

**** Ahhh...haunt my dreams.

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