Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Anger Management Techniques

By Thomas Crown

We all remember the Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson movie called Anger Management where Nicholson tries to teach Sandler techniques that will help him control his anger. Now in reality anger management is never something to laugh at. In fact it can be a problem for people who have anger issues.

In America there are thousands if not millions of people who are suffering everyday from anger. Anger is a serious issue and will consume you and everyone around you if you dont find a way to control your anger issues. So how do you find the right anger management techniques that will stop your anger problem?

There are several methods that can be used in trying to deal with anger and help in the process of anger management. One of these methods is described as trying to reach an agreement with the person. Another method of anger management is to meditate along with deep breathing and trying to relax.

The direct method is one recommended by psychologists. The concept here is to work on expressing honest feelings about the other person in a "hands off" manor. It is important in this method to keep an open line of communication with the person who you are upset with.

Another approach to anger management is called the honorable method. This is where you take responsibility for your actions and you dont make excuses for the reasons why you did what you did. This is considered to be the hardest method as it is often times hard to admit self failure and admit where you are lacking.

A method known as the focus method is simply that, you focus on the current issue. You cannot bring up other issues to add to the fire. You have to steer clear of old or other issues that do not pertain to the current conversation. This also helps you to keep an open mind.

With the listen method to anger management techniques instead of trying to out talk the person your having a problem with, you instead sit and listen to what they have to say. Once there finished you then explain your reasoning. If both of you are shouting or speaking at the same time nothing is being heard. One of you has to be the bigger person and just listen first then speak your mind after you have heard the other persons reasoning. Just remember when its your turn regardless if the other person has yelled or not, remain calm.

These anger management techniques will only work for the people who truly apply them. Its easy to use them when youre a little mad, but you will truly overcome your anger issues when your able to remain calm in the most heated moment when someone has really ticked you off.

Once you are able to apply these anger management techniques every time someone has made you mad; then youll no longer have anger issues. Other people involve in the conflicts with a person who has anger issues do need to understand that it takes two to tangle. It is the responsibility of both people involve in a conflict to keep there anger under control. If one has anger issues then the other person should not add to the issue. If both of the persons involve have anger issues then its best for one to walk away and talk when your calm. Anger Management does not happen over night; it takes great time to master the process of controlling your anger. - 30535

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