Monday, May 2, 2016

NLP Can Allow You To Achieve Anything You Desire

By George Hutton

One of the greatest models of communication today is NLP. In this article, Ill give you a few tips and insights about NLP. While not exhaustive in the least, this article will give you a good starting point on your life long discovery and learning of NLP.

First of all, what exactly is NLP? It has been said that NLP is a model of excellence. OK, what exactly does that mean? Well, NLP was created by watching people who are the very best at what they do. And since the first people that were modeled were therapists, that used their words, NLP can be considered a model of excellence in communication.

One of the first people they modeled with NLP was Dr. Milton Erickson. He had created his own from of hypnosis. Instead of sitting you down in a chair and waving a watch in front of you and trying to convince you that your eyes were getting heavier and heavier, he had a different method. He would tell you these stories and metaphors that didnt make a whole lot of sense, but somehow they would solve all your problems.

Just from this one genius, a model of communication that is known as the Milton Model was created. This is likely the most persuasive and influential strategy that you can learn. Politicians and the best salespeople today use this model, either knowingly or unknowingly. If you search online for the Milton Model, youll find an abundance of free information to get you started.

Others have described NLP as the objective description of the subjective experience. Say you are afraid of dogs. Instead of asking why, and digging into your past when you were first bit, NLP asks how you are afraid of dogs. What images do you see, what do you imagine when you see a dog? Once you have these, its easy to change them, and the fear of dogs can disappear.

The best use of NLP is its ability to model any skill in any person so that you can develop it in yourself. If you want to be a good golfer, you an model Tiger Woods. If you want to be a great musician, you can model Beethoven. They dont even have to be alive. Once you learn how to model the excellence you see in others, the sky is the limit to your unlimited potential. - 30535

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