Sunday, May 8, 2016

How to make your ex girlfriend want you back

The Best Way To Win Back Your Girlfriend Isnt Always The Most Obvious

Getting dumped hurts.  Either you choose to accept it and move on, or take the other road: you fight to repair your relationship, and somehow get back together with your ex girlfriend.

If youre looking for ways to make your ex want you again, youll need to know which methods and techniques work... and which do not.

Keeping a level head and a clear mind is an important part of any process, no matter what goal youre trying to accomplish.  This goes double when it comes to repairing a broken relationship.  Right now you might be feeling a whole host of crazy emotions that are completely overwhelming you and that youre fighting to control.  Dont fight them.  Embrace and process them, so you can get past them first.  Once you can do that, you can start planning on exactly what methods youll need to win back your ex.

Understanding Why She Left... A Critical Part of Getting Your Ex Back

Figuring out what your ex wants probably wasnt an easy task while the two of you were dating.  And now that youre apart?  Just imagine how hard it will be.  If your ex has broken ties with you and you no longer communicate, it might seem like a hopeless task to figure out why she left in the first place.  Still, you need to figure out what caused her to put the brakes on your relationship.

Before learning how to make your ex girlfriend want you back, learn what you did to drive her away... if anything at all.  Some girlfriends get bored, are annoyed by your bad habits, or were sick of fighting all the time.  Others break up with you because they want to date someone else.  Identifying and concentrating on the issues that are within your control can help create a future environment thats a lot more attractive to her than the one she left.  Doing this correctly (and honestly) can go a long way toward getting back together with your exgirlfriend.

Accepting Things and Moving On

Your girlfriend dumped you for a reason, and after some long, hard thoughts on the matter.  Telling her that shes making a mistake is only going to piss her off.  Trying to get her to change her mind?  Ditto.  For this reason its simply foolish to fight the break up.  Its always best to nod your head, roll with it, and get out of there as quickly and quietly as possible.

Know what you left with in such a case?  Your dignity.  Oh yeah, and you brought something else with you too: your ex girlfriends respect.  Those two things will become hugely important later on, when youre working to get your ex girlfriend back.

Breaking Up Without Looking Back

Hey, guess what?  Most breakups never end cleanly.  Usually, the person who got dumped is always trying to call, text, or email the person who did the dumping.  In this case, thats you... so avoid those mistakes.  Crying and begging will get you nowhere, and will actually damage your chances of a future relationship with your ex.

In some cases though, your ex might try to stay in touch with you.  Hell, she may even offer to remain friends.  Sounds good right?  WRONG.  Tell her "thanks, but no thanks".  Let your exgirlfriend know that you love her too much to sit through a platonic friendship, "pretending" to be buddies with her.  You should love yourself too much as well... because trying to carry on a friendship with your ex is only going to torture yourself every time you see or hear from her.

Giving Your Ex Time To Miss and Want You

Once your ex understands that ending things means she wont be able to see or hear from you anymore, its going to upset her.  She probably wanted to end things on her own terms; slowly over time.  This gives her the opportunity to grow accustomed to not having you around, but at the same time be able to reverse the break up if she feels like she made a mistake.  Uh-uh.  Youre not sitting around on the bench, waiting for that.

Instead, you want your ex girlfriend back in your arms.  This means letting go of her.  Only be allowing your ex some time alone can you really give her the chance to miss you.  Want to know how to make your ex girlfriend want you back?  Give her space.  Give her the space she said she wanted when she first broke up with you... then give her ten galaxies more.  Your ex should be drowning in all the silent, empty space you give her.  Her phone should be a vacant, barren expanse of NO incoming calls from you.  Her text-message center should reverberate with echoes. Moths should fly out of her email inbox.

Once your ex sees what her life is going to be like without you around?  Thats when shell start wanting you back.  This is your ultimate goal, and one you can arrive at only with cool patience and self-control.

Contacting Your Ex Girlfriend When The Moment Is Right

Ultimately, you cant get back with your ex unless you DO talk to her.  Before you make the decision to initiate contact, you should explore other options.  There are some excellent methods for getting your ex to contact you, and you should know exactly What To Say To Your Ex Girlfriend when you first talk again.

You should also know the right time to contact your girlfriend: in the evening.  Catching her right before bed is your best bet; shes unwinding from the stress of the day and may even be laying there on her pillow staring up at the ceiling, perhaps even thinking about you.

The Ultimate FAQ For Getting Your Exgirlfriend Back

The process of winning your ex back contains many variables.  What should you do if shes dating someone else?  Can you still get her back?  What if you cheated, or she was unfaithful to you?  Special circumstances surrounding your break up may require all different kinds of treatment - be sure to check out the Ultimate Get Back Ex Girlfriend FAQ and see if theres something you can apply to your own unique situation.

Other Resources To Save Your Relationship

Nothings scarier than the possibility of losing someone you really love.  For this reason, you should never leave getting back together with your ex "to chance".  Some guys feel like they can pick up the phone and just wing it - maybe theyll succeed, and maybe theyll fail.  But if you want to absolutely maximize your chances of dating your ex again?  You need to gather all the knowledge you can before making a single move.

The following guide contains over 20+ pages of fantastic free information on How To Make Your Ex Girlfriend Want You Back.

And for those wishing step-by-step instruction on all aspects of reversing a break up, check out this amazing 8-Step Process on How to Get Back an Ex Girlfriend!

So read up... and good luck!

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