Sunday, May 1, 2016

How to handle an ex girlfriend

I came here wanting an opinion of maybe some people that have been in my shoes. I dont think my friends understand the situation and have really done a great job just making me move along, but they dont feel what I feel.

Here it is.... I worked with a girl when I was a Sophomore in College and she was a Senior in High School. We knew each other since she was 16 and never really thought about dating at all since she was very young. As time progressed and she got older... I got to know her really well. We went on a trip together as friends with no plans and we really hit it off. Long story short, we spent a lot of time together over the summer before she left to go to college out of state and we decided there was a bond and we would try to make this thing work long distance

Lets cut to the chase, the relationship was great.. GOOD COMMUNICATION the whole time, I was really close to her family and would eat dinner over there even without her. My parents treated her so well and they would even text her once in awhile. it was great besides the distance. We made it work, we would see eachother every month 1/2 around and we stayed positive knowing at one point we would be together. We never fought and we had a TON of trust. 2 years went by like this with no problem.

THEN... she moved in with 7 other people and I trusted her but they became the "party house." She never really had a period of time to let loose i guess and party it up. She stayed at my house for a month this past summer and i think the commitment scared her off. She met some guy she had feelings for, told me about it and was very open. She didnt cheat, she explained she felt weird and for the first time she didnt run off when someone hit on her like she usually would. It got her so confused and crazy and eventually I ended it. It was hard on both of us... this was in Sept.

Now, November rolls around and she notices I am with another girl. I am sure she got jealous, maybe thought I would wait around while she figured stuff out... but i didnt. I moved along... I kept communication open with her and said now is not the time. She still is in school for another yr and a half. She writes me a letter saying how she made a mistake, she loves me, im the one she wants to marry etc. I sent her a text saying I will take it to heart. She then writes something like, "I meant every word, I dont know whats wrong with me." I then flew to her state to see a mutual friend and she found out and sent me a text saying it was weird i was in her state and I didnt tell her so obviously I dont want to see her. She said she is going to stop contacting me now for now on and I should enjoy my stay.

Look, I still love her to death, i know deep down she is the one but maybe got blinded like i said with some influences from her friends. I did not respond to her last 2 texts out of respect to my new partner (we are not official but we act like it as of right now). Things are good, but i also feel bad not texting her back. She basically left me for another man and states she loves me still and all this stuff but then doesnt act on it. I even told her if it was me in her situation, I would have been at her door asking to talk.... nothing. I told her last time we spoke on the phone that we need to support eachother and i forgive her for what she did but dont know if I could forget. I love her and her family so much but I just feel like she might be playing games and not even knowing it. I feel she shouldnt want to see me and should put that effort into her new man that she chose to have relations with. I just want to shake her and guide her but I know I can not be the one to do that. How should I approach this with her contact. She says she doesnt want to contact me again but I know she will. Is she just young? Not contacting her the best thing?

Please help guys and girls!


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