Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How to diss your ex girlfriend

Who does not make mistake while in relationship?  Honestly, everyone does.  Undeniably we all learn from mistakes.  You have just broken up with your ex-boyfriend and now you realized that it is because of a silly mistake you have made that caused the break up.  You want him back desperately but how?  The worse is he is now seeing another woman soon after the break up, you are in a more difficult situation.  However, difficult does not mean there is no way of fixing thing up.

First of all, what you must do is to call your ex-boyfriend up personally.  Express your feeling to him, avoid crying as you might not be able to continue the conversation if you start crying non-stop.  Tell him that you are sorry, and let him know that you admit your mistake and willing to change.  Promise him that you will not repeat the same mistake anymore.  In the meantime, be alert on his reply to you, try to understand what he wants to convey to you.  If he still has feeling with you, then you can get him back very fast.

It is possible that he tells you he has moved on and dating a new girl.  However, you must analyse carefully to see whether he is just trying to make you jealous or he actually means it.  If he is doing for the purpose of making you jealous, you can just admit to him that his plan works and you are willing to get back with him without the need to continue his plan.

On the other hand, if your ex-boyfriend has really moved on with his new life with a new girlfriend, you will have to put in more efforts to get him back.  Before you take any action of getting him back, you need to know from him if he is still interested in you (a little bit will do) or he just wants to be friend with you.  If he just wants to be friend with you, then do not beg him nor force him to be with you again.  Most importantly, do not act like an uneducated woman in front of him towards his current girlfriend.  That will only make thing worse.

When he tells you that he really wants to move on with his new girlfriend and ask you to accept the break up, remember not to overreact in front of him.  Just accept it calmly and he will respect you.  In addition, he might have done so just because he is still mad at you so give him some time to release his anger and he may go back to you after he thinks through.

During the period soon after break up, you got to do your part too.  You shall not waste time doing unnecessary things such as crying hysterically, throwing things and spoil them, shouting at the walls etc.  If you really want him back badly, you must be patience and keep up the good virtues.  Be a happy-go-lucky woman, move on your life with your bunch of friends.  Go to gym, this is always one of the best ways to release your tension and sadness.  Keep yourself busy but not asking you to get drunks in pub, that does not help.  Do all the good things that your ex-boyfriend will really like to see.

Show to him that you are a better woman now and you will be a better girlfriend too.  Try your best to make him fall in love with you again.  His current girlfriend might not turn out as good as he thinks.  When you have done your part for being a good woman, he will start comparing and know who is more suitable for him.  These effective tips are very practical when you apply them accordingly.  In addition, you also need to prepare yourself in being a better woman to get your ex-boyfriend back faster.

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