The "bad" news is that it may take time to get back your ex and you need to find the right strategy. We will talk more about the right strategy below.
Here is an outline of the three basic steps that will maximize your chances to win back your ex-girlfriend:
STEP 1: Getting A Clear Head Again
If you feel very upset and hurt right now, then the first thing you need to do before trying to win back your ex-girlfriend is to give yourself at least some time to feel better again.
Do whatever works for you, such as long walks outside, meditation, movies, music, or even some form of therapy or spiritual soul-searching.
It is said that "tears cleanse the soul" and that is definitely true after a breakup.
It is a difficult time and it can feel truly devastating.
To get through this faster, it is best to allow yourself to feel the grief and heartache that come up. Yes, it feels uncomfortable, but it is much better than holding it in. Read our main article on how to get over a breakup.
The less upset you are, the more clearly you will see your situation and the easier it will be not to make these 7 very common mistakes when you try to win back your ex-girlfriend.
STEP 2: Why Do You Want To Win Back Your Ex Girlfriend?
Now you need to ask yourself why you want to win back your ex-girlfriend.
Be as honest as possible with yourself about whether you should win back your ex-girlfriend. It can save you a lot of heartache and misery later on.
You need to decide whether your ex-girlfriend is truly good for you.
Here is the link to our main article on this topic: Should you win back your ex-girlfriend?
If you are convinced that your break up was truly a mistake, then you can start preparing a good strategy or plan of action to win back your ex-girlfriend.
STEP 3: Your Plan of Action
We already looked at the common mistakes and what NOT to do when trying to win back your ex-girlfriend. Now let us look at what you can do to win back your ex-girlfriend.
You need a good plan of action.
You can either choose to create such a plan yourself or you can choose to apply proven strategies tested by thousands of others, such as the Get Her Back For Good Guide or The Ex Recovery System.
Every relationship is different, and so you will need to customize your strategy to win back your ex-girlfriend.
When considering your strategy to win back your ex-girlfriend, it is especially important to keep two things in mind:
- the specific reason for the breakup and
- the length of your relationship with your ex-girlfriend.
The length of the relationship you and your ex had determines how much time you have to win back your ex-girlfriend.
So if you had a longer relationship, you have more time to win her back. But if you had been together only for a few months, then giving her three months of space will not be helpful if you want to win back your ex-girlfriend.
The reason for the breakup has a lot of influence on what is the best strategy to win back your ex-girlfriend. For example, if you were too needy before or after the breakup, then you need to give her more space as a first step to win back your ex-girlfriend.
On the other hand, if you did not give your ex-girlfriend enough attention, then you may need to become more active to win back your ex-girlfriend.
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