Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Does Your Marriage Need Help

By Carol Ann

Many couples experience their ups and downs, but sometimes it is difficult to understand when your marriage is in serious trouble. What may seem like something serious to one partner may actually seem like little to nothing to the other partner. It is important to understand when your relationship is in real crisis.

Communication. One of the keys to a good marriage is communication. It therefore stands to reason, that a sign that a marriage is failing is when there is a communication breakdown. Ask yourself these questions: Do You and Your Spouse Avoid Speaking To Each Other? Are You Living Separate Lives? Does Every Conversation End Up In A Fight? If you have answered yes to even one of these questions then you need to find a good way to begin communicating positively again. For each couple the steps can be different, but you need to begin to rededicate time and energy to your relationship.

If there is a lack of sexual interest now where there was good sex before there may be a problem. This possibly can be attributed to medical issues if everything else is OK, and that can be resolved by visiting a doctor. But if other issues are present, such as control issues or lack of communication there may be something else underlying this issue. Here an effort to reach out to each other should be made as the physical is important also.

Control issues are not good for relationships as it makes the balance out of whack. This can make one person feel inferior to the other, which causes fear and resentment to arise. There are times when this is going to happen but it shouldnt be ongoing.

Affairs. Many people think that affairs are sexual in nature; however most parties seek out the affection of another in the form of sex to feel closeness and love, and not actually for the sexual relationship. This is just the only way they can find the closeness that they long for. Healing after an affair is possible; however, it can be a while before trust is regained in the relationship. If the trust doesnt return over time, then the marriage can not be saved. - 30535

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