and she keeps calling and text messaging, so he changes his cell phone number,
and then she starts emailing, so he gets a new email address,
and then she finally starts calling his friends (who she met while they dated but never was friends with them herself) and nobody knows how she got the number...
what do you do? (short of a restraining order)
I dont want to call her myself because it is immature and it wont work anyway.
We are ignoring her obviously, but any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.
She is freaking me out- she has a history with mental imbalance, and one voicemail will be angry, the next in tears, the next sounding rational. When they were friends he told her my full name and some info about me, so now I watch my back walking through parking lots if you know what I mean.
He has the same home phone number as when they dated...but he lives with family who dislikes her so that is probably what has kept her at bay so far...
He has moved since they dated but she would only need to look in the phone book to get his new address...
They go to the same small college which consists of one building, pretty easy to find someone there, they will both be heading back in the Fall...
And he drives the same car as when they dated, which has two small yet unique stickers that could indicate it is his.
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