Monday, March 21, 2016

How to conquer your ex girlfriend

Are you looking for how to get your ex back and have a much better relationship? Those are two of the major questions for many couples who are in the middle of a breakup or have recently broken up.

We will just touch on a couple of opening moves, so to speak concerning the absolute best way to achieve getting your ex back.

Step one is to give yourself a little space. When you conquer your emotions and are patient, your chances of getting what you really want go up dramatically. You really need to give your emotions some time to settle down before making any major decisions concerning the future of your relationship.

[Just  a side note, if you are in the process of making any major decisions you should always gather information and then give yourself a little time to process the information before making a decision.]
So, even if your ex is calling you or contacting you in any way, if you are still interested in them you should let the know you are glad to hear from them but dont have any long conversations and dont get together with them on the spur of the moment. If they want to get together set up a time in a week or two.

This will help you in several huge ways. It will help you have your emotions under much better control than getting together quickly will. Also, if you have broken up, it will give you some time to figure out where things went wrong. If you jump right back into the situation before really figuring out how to get your ex back in the right way, your reconciliation will be a short one.

After 20 years of marriage, I can tell you one of the best resources I have seen for how to get your ex back and how to improve any relationship is called the Magic of Making Up.

Along with helping couples know how to get your ex back, the Magic of Making Up brings new perspectives on developing long term, successful relationships, some of which were new to me even after all these years.

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